Khivatam-therapy - what is it?

This procedure is a massage, which allows you to restore health after the operations, serious injuries and illnesses. A special feature of the procedure is its effect on the skin and all its deep layers, including the vessels, connective tissue and fatty tissue. Next, we will consider in more detail hivamat-therapy - what it is, what healing property it has, and who can be recommended.

How is the hivamat procedure carried out?

The therapeutic effect of the method is due to the effect of the electrostatic field formed between the doctor's hands and the patient's skin. And the doctor wears special gloves that do not conduct current. The doctor kneads the skin on the massage lines and when the hands reach the body, the skin surface and all of its tissues are attracted to the hands, and when they return, they return to their place. Thus, oscillations are created in the tissues.

The effect of hivamat-physiotherapy

Vibration affects all the underlying tissues, which has a beneficial effect on the body as a whole. At the same time, the following changes are observed:

Electrostatic massage khivamat can be appointed in the following cases:

  1. For problems with muscle tissue associated with herbs, stroke or multiple sclerosis.
  2. With blood flow problems due to surgery.
  3. For relief of pain of various nature (trauma, neuralgia, migraine ).
  4. To combat trophic ulcers, burns and wounds.
  5. To accelerate the healing of scars, with rejuvenating procedures, smoothing wrinkles for collagen synthesis.
  6. In sports medicine, the device is used for recovery after serious training, swelling and treatment with hematomas.