International Day of the Puppeteer

Both children and many adults like to watch performances of the puppet theater. This is a real magic - animated figures on the stage leave many happy minutes, which are remembered for life. How did this fascinating world come to be called a puppet theater?

International Day of the puppeteer - history

Puppet figures that resemble human beings appeared in ancient times. In those days, the figures of dolls were of great importance in people's lives. Many of them were used not only as toys, but also carried in themselves magical properties. One day someone came up with the idea to play with the help of dolls various performances. To do this, they were sewed bright beautiful outfits. Gradually began to appear different ways to manage dolls. So there were figures that could move all parts of the body with the help of ropes.

The first puppet theaters appeared in ancient Rome. Initially, the presentations were carried out with the help of a special box with a center on the barrier. In the mobile puppet theaters that appeared later, a slightly different scene for dolls was used. It was a box with holes from the bottom and from above, through which the dolls passed. In addition, for the presentation stretched between the two pillars of a beautiful fabric.

Managing dolls is truly a real art. And they are owned only by really talented people who can breathe life into a silent toy.

In many countries there are their favorite puppet characters - national symbols. So, in France it's Polichinel, in Italy - Pulcinella, and in Russia - Parsley. And today, this cheerful and cheerful figure in scarlet caftan and with a provocative cap on his head makes children and adults laugh.

Fans of puppet shows are sometimes interested in what day the puppeteer celebrates.

The idea of ​​establishing a world day of puppeteers belongs to the employee of one of the Iranian puppet theaters of Jivad Zolfagaricho. Such a proposal he voiced at a meeting of the Congress of the International Union of Puppet Theater Theaters, held in Magdeburg in 2000. But, despite the fact that this statement was greeted very positively, a decision on it was never adopted. And only in the summer of 2002 in Atlanta the International Council of UNIMA adopted the date of the International Day of the puppeteer on March 21.

President of UNIMA Margareta Niculescu proposed to turn this holiday into a real fascinating ritual that will glorify the puppet theater and performers-puppeteers.

Events for the day of the puppeteer

World puppet festival today is celebrated in many countries and professionals of this action, and by all lovers of the puppet theater. On this day collectives of puppet theaters show especially fascinating and unusual performances. To this event creative meetings of puppeteers are organized, concerts in their honor, festive flash mobs are held. Do not forget about this holiday in schools and kindergartens. In many of them drawing contests, games and quizzes are held. Older children can take part in a master class on driving dolls.

Today, like many years ago, the puppet theater is happiness, joy, fun, as well as an inescapable imagination and creative inspiration. After visiting the puppet show, everyone is charged with powerful positive energy. The charm enchanting in the puppet theater, the simplicity and at the same time mysteriousness and mystery fill the souls of both small and large spectators with deep age-old wisdom and purity.

Perhaps remembering the puppet figurine that you so dreamed of having as a child, you will acquire it now in memory of the carefree time and unforgettable visits to the puppet theater.