Medication for osteochondrosis

Osteochondrosis - this is one of those diseases that were previously manifested exclusively in old age, but recently this disease is significantly "younger". One of the reasons for this is the genetic component, which plays an important role in the development of osteochondrosis. Also, malnutrition, which many young people abuse, has a negative effect on their health in the future, and with a combination of several factors, osteochondrosis develops quite early.

Symptoms of the disease

Today, medicine is making every effort to make life easier for patients with this disease, but there is no one medicine that would permanently rid the person of this ailment. Therefore, drugs for the treatment of osteochondrosis are prescribed depending on the symptoms that accompany the disease.

Now we will consider the symptoms of osteochondrosis and determine which classes of medicines must necessarily be in the medicine cabinet in patients with dystrophic disorders in articular cartilage.

  1. Painful sensations of aching in the back, as well as aching in the legs and numbness in the extremities.
  2. Sharp force moves contribute to increased pain.
  3. Periodic muscle spasms.
  4. Shooting pain with herniated intervertebral discs.

What medications should I take with osteochondrosis?

Anti-inflammatory drugs for osteochondrosis, as well as analgesics and antispasmodics should be taken only with exacerbation of the disease.

Thus, drugs for the treatment of osteochondrosis should be aimed at the removal of pain and inflammation, as well as the normalization of cartilaginous tissue:

  1. Analgesics.
  2. Spasmolytics.
  3. Nonsteroid medicines.
  4. Drugs that stimulate blood microcirculation.
  5. Drugs that inhibit tissue degeneration are chondroprotectors.

Analgesics for osteochondrosis

  1. Analgin is one of the most well-known analgesics that can muffle pain of low and medium degree. Often, with the development of osteochondrosis, this medication does not cope with pain, but one should not take it into account, because it is impossible to take drugs with a long analgesic effect for a long time.
  2. Tramal is a strong analgesic. It belongs to the opioid synthetic group, so it should be taken with permission and under the supervision of a doctor.
  3. Oxadol - has a common analgesic effect. Its effect is felt very quickly, but you can not always take it. He is only for emergency help.
  4. Ambene is a complex preparation that has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. It contains dexamethasone - this substance is a synthetic hormone of the adrenal glands, and therefore it is also impossible to take this medication constantly. The adrenal glands are very sensitive to the content of their own hormones in the blood, and can get used to prolonged treatment, and at the end to produce their hormones in small amounts.

As a rule, these medicines are necessary for exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis, when the pain has a wide localization.


  1. Novocaine is a popular antispasmodic with analgesic action. It is used as an injection. It can be replaced by trimecaine or lidocaine.
  2. Mydocalm - antispasmodic, which removes the increased muscle tone, reduces the excitability of the spinal cord and the sensitivity of nerve endings.

Anti-inflammatory drugs for osteochondrosis

  1. Nimesil - is taken in the form of a powder, can be used no longer than 8 consecutive days.
  2. Ibuprofen - also has a general anti-inflammatory effect, does not have a special purpose.
  3. Diclofenac - originally used, and is still widely used in rheumatology, so its effectiveness on osteochondrosis is slightly higher than that of conventional anti-inflammatory drugs.
  4. Piroxicam - can be used as a substitute for diclofenac, because it has also proven itself in the removal of acute rheumatological symptoms.

Vasodilator preparations for osteochondrosis

  1. Actovegin is a drug that is widely used to improve blood circulation.
  2. Trental is used to improve blood microcirculation and is functionally analogous to Actovegin.

These drugs are especially effective in cervical osteochondrosis , when the disturbed circulation worsens the brain.


  1. Chondroxide ointment refers to topical medications - it is made from cartilage of cattle.
  2. Rumalone is also used to restore cartilaginous tissue. It includes valuable elements for the treatment of disease of bone marrow of young animals, as well as their cartilage.