The largest breed of cats

Rating of the largest cats will give an opportunity to choose a pet depending on the size.

The largest domestic cats: breeds and their features

The largest in size are the Savannah cats, whose weight can reach 20 kg with a length of about 60 cm. This is not strange, because the breed was obtained by combining a domestic cat Savannah with an African cat Serval. Despite the burning blood, the animals are relatively calm. The price for such an individual goes off scale.

Slightly smaller in size Maine Coon . North-East America is their homeland. On average, the male can reach 15 kg with an increase of 41 cm.

Wild origin have Chauzy . This cat was mentioned in ancient Egyptian times. Such a domestic pet will be 20-30% larger than the usual cat, weight about 14 kg, height 40 cm. Fast and agile, they have a massive trunk and a smaller head on a long neck. Look impressive.

Shorthair British cats reach a weight of 10-12 kg, which is a lot for seemingly nice plush seals to the touch. They are unpretentious, but appreciate their personal space and comfort.

Siberian cat was tamed by a man many years ago. Today, such a domestic cat prefers to be in a house with amenities than anywhere in Siberia. The maximum weight is 12 kg, the average figure is up to 9 kg.

Surprisingly beautiful Norwegian cats : excellent hunters with graceful habits. A long fur of a rusty-brown shade attracts attention. This breed can not be considered gigantic, but it's also not possible to call it miniature. A 10 kg furry miracle will move around your house.

Large domestic cats

An ancient domesticated species of cats is the Turkish baths . They are often found at home. They are not so large (up to 40 cm at the withers, up to 100-120 cm, 6-7 kg). Look at the cat in the eye: one is blue, the other is amber. Passing by such beauty will not succeed!

Make a small copy of the red lynx ( Bob-Ket ) tried to crafters from the United States. Beautiful appearance, decent dimensions and a good character - all this "fits" in 8 kg of the individual.

Kuril Bob-Tail is one of the largest breeds of cats in the world with a short tail. This fact only added popularity to the animal.

Completion of the list of "What are the Breeds of the World's Bigest Koshas", will be the American Bobtail : weight up to 5-7 kg.

We are used to the fact that cats are miniature fluffy creatures. As practice shows, these animals can hit with their size. How nice to have an animal bigger in your house. In 2010, the Guinness Book of World Records inscribed Stewie of the Maine Coon as the longest cat in the world - 123 cm. The largest domestic cat in the world struck everyone.