Fertilizer for potatoes when planting

For active growth and proper development, potatoes , like any other culture, require proper top dressing. You should pay attention to the choice of fertilizers, because it depends on them the quantity and quality of your future crop. Potatoes are different from other vegetables in that there is no practical benefit in feeding it during the growing season. At this stage, the plant can no longer absorb the mineral elements well. But with great attention is to choose fertilizer for potatoes when planting. Because it is these substances that will be responsible for the development of the plant and for the volume of harvest that you can collect in the future.

Why feed potatoes?

Mineral fertilizers for potatoes are very important. This culture differs from the others in that it is able to absorb a large number of nutrient nutrients. The reason lies in the fact that the plant has a poorly represented root system, but the tubers, on the contrary, grow very large. In this regard, it is important to introduce fertilizers and nutrients into soil so that each subsequent crop does not become smaller than the previous one.

How to fertilize potatoes?

Fertilizers for potatoes, introduced in the spring, should be very well balanced. Therefore, it makes sense to pay attention to the complex fertilizing, which includes a variety of nutritional elements. Feeding the culture with only one type of fertilizer, it is impossible to achieve a good result. This is especially important during the initial development of the plant. For example, if the fertilizer contains a large amount of nitrogen, this can have a negative effect on the formation of tubers. They will grow small, while all the power of the plant will be concentrated in the tops. That is why it is so important to choose a fertilizer with the correct balance of nutrients and minerals.

Talking about which fertilizer is best suited for potatoes, it is worth mentioning "Kemir Potato". This is a special multi-compound fertilizing, which contains all the useful compounds and microelements necessary for a given culture. You could call this fertilizer ideal, if not for it is quite high price.

Continuing the conversation about complex mineral fertilizers, one must also say about nitrophase. One tablespoon, added to each hole before planting, is one of the best fertilizers for potatoes. Also, a good result will show the application of bone meal as a fertilizer.

It will positively affect the starchy properties of potatoes, improve the quality of the tubers themselves and will enable them to harvest a larger crop.

In addition, do not forget about organic fertilizers. Such additional fertilizing as pereprevshy manure, peat from peat, urea or ordinary ash contain a lot of useful and necessary substances that will allow the potato to grow rapidly and develop properly. For example, wood ash is a source of magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. These substances help the plant to withstand many possible diseases. By the way, ashes can be brought not only in the potato box, but also sprinkled with each tuber just before planting in the nest. Microelements obtained by the plant from this mineral fertilizer will affect not only the speed of growth and the rate of development, but also the taste qualities of the cultivated crop.

How correctly to feed potatoes?

The norms of applying fertilizers to potatoes prescribe to lay feeding directly into the nest of potatoes. The effectiveness of this method is much higher than the conventional method of placing fertilizers throughout the planted area. Proper use of additional fertilizer will not only save the amount of fertilizers consumed, but also narrow down their range of action to the specific zone most in need of them.