Rosehip oil

The benefits of hipship to mankind have been known for a very long time. Most often it is used in medical infusions and broths for various diseases. Recipes for cooking oil from petals of dog rose are less common. It is known that the infusions from the fruits of this plant have a beneficial effect on the complexion and nail growth. But when the seeds of the dog rose learned to receive oil, the range of its use has increased significantly.

You can prepare the oil yourself at home. To do this you will need a bottle of darkened glass. Fill the bottle with 2/3 petals of rose hips and pour over with olive oil. Let it brew in a dark dry place for two weeks. After filtering, the oil can be used to treat dermatitis and pressure sores. The recipe is suitable for eliminating various rashes and redness.

What is the benefit of rosehip oil?

It's not easy to make butter. It is extracted by cold pressing from seeds. At the same time, it preserves all useful ingredients and vitamins:

Hips oil is an ideal tool for caring for wilting and dry skin. It is suitable for all skin types, except for oily and combination skin. Equally active rose hip oil is also used for hair care. It also protects the skin from harmful sun rays and takes care of it in the cold season.

Brier oil in cosmetology

It is a good remedy for nourishment and deep hydration of the face. Here are some tips on how to use rosehip oil at home:

Hips Rose Oil

If you have split ends and brittle hair, try to prepare a hair mask. To do this, in a water bath, heat a little rose hip oil in pure form, you can add a little almond oil. Next, you need to grease the ends with oil, or simply dip them into a container. Before such a procedure, you need to cut your hair. You can add a little oil to the shampoo while washing your head.