Potato "Adretta" - description of the variety

Potatoes on our table almost every day and sometimes it is compared to bread. Indeed, almost all traditional dishes are usually either cooked from potatoes or served with it. In this article we will consider the description of the potato variety "Adretta".

Potato variety "Adretta"

Modern gardening is difficult to surprise potatoes with yellow, pink, purple flowers. But even twenty years ago the potato "Adretta" was presented by German breeders, as a result, the novelty produced a real sensation.

The fact is that the taste characteristics of the variety were more striking. At that time, all varieties of yellowish color were considered to be exclusively fodder, and such a crop did not fall on our table, but as a livestock feed. But after the appearance of a new variety, the potato of yellow color ceased to be considered fodder.

Potato variety "Adretta" - characteristic

According to the description of the potato variety "Adretta", this is a culture with medium-term maturation. Therefore, planted properly in the early spring. After planting the seed potatoes "Adretta" in your garden you will get upright bushes with a lot of flowers and light green rather large leaves. The corollas of the inflorescence are white, the inflorescences themselves are sprawling.

The shape of the ripe vegetable is oval. The fruit has a yellowish flesh, the top is covered with a crust of brown hue, as a rule, small shoots are very small. Approximate weight of one tuber is about 140 g.

An important characteristic of the potato variety "Adrett" for private and mass cultivation is its high yield. On average, up to 45 tons of potatoes can be harvested from one hectare. In addition, this variety has a high resistance to various diseases, rarely subjected to pest attacks. This applies to the potato-specific stem nematode, cancer and late blight .

Do not forget the benefits of the product. Of course, the simplicity of growing and caring for the culture is very important, but the breeders took care of the potato's benefits. In this variety, a huge amount of vitamins and nutrients. There, B vitamins, and carbohydrates, and in the skin an incredible amount of substances useful for the heart and the cardiovascular system. That is why potatoes of this grade are sometimes recommended to boil in the skin and eat whole.

Potato "Adretta" - a brief description of the cultivation

Now we will dwell in more detail on some rules of cultivation of this variety and its taste qualities. Potatoes differ not only in their high resistance to diseases and pests, but also perfectly tolerate various weather conditions and their abrupt changes. Even after some freezing, the vegetable does not acquire a characteristic sweetish flavor.

Approximately 60-80 days pass from planting and full ripening. So usually in the middle of summer (late June - early July), you can harvest. It is during this period that the tubers reach their maximum size and completely ripen.

The potato variety "Adretta" refers specifically to early ripening, so there is no point in overdoing it in the land. The fact is that tubers can rot, especially in rainy autumn. With each bush in your garden you can collect about ten tubers.

As for the keeping quality of potatoes, here the variety is at the forefront. It does not lose its flavor after long storage . The percentage of spoiled rotten potatoes is very low. And if the frost hits the winter and the bags get a little frozen, it's enough just to dry the tubers in a dry place and pour them into the bag again. This grade is perfect for any method of heat treatment.