How to breastfeed?

Modern moms increasingly refuse breastfeeding, worrying about the beauty of their breasts. But still there are those who advocate traditional feeding. It is a pity that not always such mothers know how much to feed breast milk , and how to do it correctly.

How to feed a newborn baby with breast milk?

So, your way of breastfeeding has begun - you have a baby. In the first 5 days of his life, he either will not eat at all, or only 3-5 ml of milk per one feeding will be satisfied. Therefore, the feeding of a newborn is more like the instillation of the most useful in the mouth, which can be given to it by a mother, a colostrum, rich in immunoglobulins.

To feed the baby with breast milk should be started immediately after birth. Even if the milk does not appear, you need to attach the baby to your breast - so the milk production will start faster.

How to feed the baby with breast milk?

After the production of milk will return to normal, it is necessary to determine how much to breastfeed. The first six months to feed the baby on his first request without taking into account the regime. Be ready to apply it to the breast up to 20 times a day. Feeding should last at least 10 minutes with a change of breast. Later the baby himself will establish a feeding regimen, and you will learn to recognize his hungry cry. As a rule, the intervals between feedings should be approximately equal to 2-3 hours.

If you are concerned about whether it is possible to overfeed with breast milk, then the answer to it is negative. The kid does not suck more than he needs or should. Nature has provided everything.

How can I breast-feed my breastmilk?

Feeding expressed milk is considered an extreme measure when mum needs to be absent or there are some other circumstances, since it is harmful to breastfeed for a long time from a bottle. This can lead to the fact that the baby will get used to a simpler way of getting milk and stop sucking on the breast. In addition, lactation from such feeding clearly will not get better.

Milk should be expressed in sterile dishes in compliance with the rules of expressing and hygiene. To feed them the baby should be tidy and more often than breastfeeding. Recommended mode - every two hours for 60-70 grams.

When can not breastfeed?

Breastfeeding is prohibited in the following cases: