39 weeks of pregnancy - second childbirth

If a woman prepares to become a mother is not the first time, then she should be ready for the fact that the second birth can occur as early as 39 weeks of pregnancy. At 37-38 week, the baby is already considered full. Means, at this time labors do not represent danger for a life of mum and the kid.

According to statistics, the second birth is less problematic than the first. If during the first birth the cervix of the uterus opens more than twelve hours, then the second time it occurs in 5-8 hours. And the female body does not care what period of time separates the first and second births. He already knows what to do, and the pelvic muscles respond quickly to any changes.

Since each woman has an individual threshold of pain sensitivity, which, moreover, may change with time, it is impossible to say exactly how 2 or 3 births will pass and whether this happens in 39 weeks of pregnancy or later. As a rule, a woman is afraid of second births less than the first. After all, she already experienced this process and knows how to behave.

Preparation for second birth on week 39

Since the second birth can occur in 39 weeks and even earlier, the expectant mother should begin to prepare for them even earlier than the first time. Sometimes second births occur at 37 weeks, in addition, the interval between the passage of mucous plug and birth can be only a few hours. And you have to be ready for this.

When preparing for the second birth, it is necessary to take into account the experience gained in the first pregnancy, even if it is not entirely successful. It is necessary to pay attention of the doctor to the complications that were for the first time. This, first of all, refers to the ruptures.

If in the first birth the woman had breaks , then, most likely it will happen the second time. Knowing about this problem, obstetricians in the second birth try to protect the woman in childbirth more carefully. To reduce the likelihood of this unpleasant complication, a woman during pregnancy should eat more cereals, fruits, vegetables, reduce the consumption of fats and meat, replacing them with poultry and fish.

As the prevention of breaks also active sexual life of partners in the last weeks, but it should be remembered that this can be an excellent catalyst for the beginning of labor. In this regard, some doctors oppose sex at 38-40 weeks, while others, on the contrary, for sex as a "soft" method of preparing for childbirth.

Unfortunately, when the birth will happen and how they will pass for the second time it is not known, because the female organism in this situation is unpredictable. But a woman should try to make all her efforts to preserve her health and health of a crumb.