How to build nails with acrylic?

Have you decided to grow nails? Little why: their - too fragile, long grow, break down, grow with irregularities and tubercles. The most popular procedure today - acrylic nail extensions - is carried out in different ways. Understanding the methods, it is easier to choose a more acceptable for yourself and your own, temporarily unattractive, but nevertheless, dear and precious, marigolds.

Acrylic nail extensions on forms

Acrylic for nail extensions has been borrowed in dentistry, where it is successfully used due to its good solubility in special fluids, non-toxicity and strength after drying.

The very scheme of nail extensions with acrylic on forms is quite simple, but requires a highly professional master. This is the procedure that is carried out without special equipment. Therefore, acrylic nail extensions at home are an absolute reality.

The selection of materials is also important. This method is absolutely harmless, since it does not require ultraviolet treatment and is carried out without the use of glue. So, it is necessary to build nails acrylic. What you need for the procedure:

How does acrylic on nails grow?

Before proceeding to the procedure, you need to decide on the type of materials. For example, the forms are upper and lower.

  1. The use of the lower forms requires a bit of time, since the master sets them as a guide for modeling the desired model and the size of the nail.
  2. The upper forms are ready-made patterns, according to which the nail is grown in accordance with the size and type of the form. Therefore, nail extensions with acrylic top forms greatly speed up the procedure.

An interesting point is the choice of acrylic powder. Modern manufacturers produce powder of different shades. Therefore, nail extension with colored acrylic can eliminate the constant application of lacquer. The very process of building up is a fine sculptural work, which is based on the modeling of each nail plate. Dropping the brush first into the glass with liquidation, and then into the jar of powder, the master creates the closest to the natural nail. To create more thin layers of acrylic (this depends on the elegance of the finished work) you need to dissolve as little as possible the powder in a larger volume of liquidation. After the acrylic dries, the finished nail is perfected with a large-abrasive nail file.

Acrylic nail extensions on tips

This procedure is an excellent option for beginning masters. It is much faster than nail extensions on forms. After tipsy - already almost ready acrylic nails, which need only be properly selected for the individual shape and size of natural nails. To build nails on tipsy you will need:

Technology of acrylic nail extensions on tips:

  1. Remove the cuticle.
  2. Treat the nail plate with a fine-abrasive nail file.
  3. Degrease the nails.
  4. Choose the right type of tips. It is advisable to designate tips for each nail.
  5. Apply a drop of glue on the inside edge of the tipes.
  6. Press the tip to the nail just below the middle of the nail plate. Withstand the tips in this state for 5-10 seconds.
  7. Cutter tip the tip to the desired length.
  8. To process artificial nails with a large-abrasive nail file, wiping the face of imposing tips on the nail plate.
  9. Apply the oil to the cuticle.