Sour breasts

Opinions of men about the beauty of the female breast vary significantly: some consider attractive curvy rounded forms, others like a small neat bust. However, all agree that the female breast is beautiful, if it is high and elastic, and no one will be delighted with the kind of sagging breasts. Therefore, if a woman's chest is heavily sagging, which often occurs after losing weight and breastfeeding, this entails a lot of uncomfortable sensations and psychological complexes. Let's consider, for what reasons the breast hangs, and what to do in such situation.

Why does the chest hang?

The female breast consists of glandular tissue, which is responsible for the production of milk and is attached by means of connective tissue to the muscles of the chest. Above, the glandular tissue is covered with a fatty layer and skin. In different women, the amount of glandular and adipose tissue in the breast can differ significantly, while the shape of the breast is determined by soft tissues, which are very sensitive to various external and internal influences.

The main factors that can lead to ugly sagging of a woman's breast are:

How to tighten saggy breasts?

Fortunately, it is possible to restore the original appearance of the sagging breast at least partially, especially if it is time to address this problem. Various methods are used for this:

  1. External agents (ointments, creams, lotions, etc.), whose action is aimed at increasing the tone and elasticity of the skin, as well as local preparations with hormones in the composition that cause an increase in the volume of glandular breast tissue. It is worth noting that the first can help only with a slight sagging and, rather, are designed to prevent this problem, while the latter show an effect only during their use.
  2. Medicines for oral administration that contain either hormones or substances that stimulate their production, thereby causing an increase in breast size and tightening the contours. Such drugs also can not be used for a long time, and after their cancellation, the reverse process will occur.
  3. Physical exercises and massage , aimed at strengthening the muscular skeleton of the breast, normalizing the posture, improving the skin condition. Noticeably tighten the chest, these methods can not help, but thanks to them you can improve the shape of the bust.
  4. Correction of the breast by mesotherapy with the use of drugs that tighten the skin of the breast, stimulating the production of its own collagen and elastin.
  5. Hardware cosmetology (microwave therapy, thermolifting , etc.) - the application of physiotherapy methods, also aimed at improving the condition of skin tissues and partially strengthening muscle tissue.
  6. Lifting the breast with threads (polypropylene, gold, platinum, etc.), which involves the insertion of special busts into the soft tissues of the bust for its tightening.
  7. Mastopexy is a surgical breast lift. This is the most effective and radical way, which provides for various operational procedures, but dangerous development of complications.

How exactly to tighten the chest, if it hanging, which way to give preference, will be able to recommend only an experienced specialist. Therefore, it is best to start solving the problem with a medical consultation.