Fold and break nails

When the nails break and break, hands do not look aesthetically pleasing, and a beautiful manicure is simply not possible. But other than this, this phenomenon signals the presence of problems in the body of a woman.

Why nails break and break?

The reasons that the nails break and break, are very diverse. But basically this is because the woman does not get enough vitamins and minerals, especially for substances such as calcium, zinc, vitamin D and silicon.

Bad ecology, frequent contact of hands with household chemicals and incorrect manicure also cause problems with nails.

When a woman observes all the rules of caring for her hands and eats properly, and her nails are still fragile and puffing, then, most likely, it is a sign of the disease. Nail plates are crumbled when:

Treatment of layered and weak nails

Of course, the first thing that needs to be done is to find out why the nails break and break, after eliminating the root cause of this problem, you can bring your nails in order in a short time. Also, if the nails are in poor condition, you must necessarily eat more food that contains calcium, iron and zinc, such as nuts, cereals and cottage cheese. When washing dishes, it is best to use gloves, and make cosmetic procedures with fingernails as rarely as possible.

If the nails break and break, then it is worthwhile to conduct their treatment. Twice a week, apply a few drops of olive oil mixed with lemon juice on the nail plate (can be replaced with apple cider vinegar). On hands after that, it is best to wear terry gloves and leave them in such condition for the whole night.

They struggle with brittle nails and with the help of a medical bath. To do it, you need:

  1. In a glass of warm water, dissolve 10 g of sea salt and 5 drops of iodine.
  2. In the bath, finger tips should be kept for 20 minutes.

Then you need to smear your hands with a nourishing cream and for a few hours dressed in terry gloves.

Therapeutic bath can be made with decoction of elm leaves.

The natural beeswax copes well with the brittle nails:

  1. If you crumble and crack nails, you just have to warm it up in a water bath.
  2. Dip your fingers in a warm mass for 30 minutes.
  3. After the nail plates should be lubricated with iodine , and apply cream on your hands.