Cardiac extrasystoles - what is it?

Often during cardiac examination, cardiac extrasystoles are determined - what it is, it is easy to understand. A normal rhythm is characterized by an established frequency and a period of contractions of the heart. The appearance on the cardiogram of extraordinary complexes is called extrasystole, which refers to the most common type of arrhythmia.

Causes of extrasystoles

To the described pathology usually lead to heart disease:

Also extrasystoles appear due to diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, endocrine disorders, osteochondrosis, arterial hypertension, pathologies of the central nervous system. Often, the reasons lie in the excessive use of alcohol, coffee and smoking. In healthy people, too, sometimes there is extrasystoles, especially during mental and physical overloads.

It is worth noting that the extrasystoles after eating indicate too large portions. This condition does not require special treatment, but only needs to adjust the diet.

Are ventricular and supraventricular extrasystoles dangerous?

The considered forms of extrasystole differ in the localization of extraordinary contractions. Ventricular complexes arise directly in the conduction system of the heart, and supraventricular - in the atria.

Draw conclusions about possible complications of diagnosed extrasystoles on the basis of anamnesis and the general state of a person. If the pathology is observed for a long time and often, it is necessary to regularly observe the cardiologist and find out the exact factor that triggered the development of the disease:

  1. First of all, therapy is used to eliminate the causes of pathology.
  2. Then a conservative treatment, including antiarrhythmic drugs, is prescribed.
  3. In the presence of concomitant arterial hypertension, medications are used to reduce pressure.
  4. Also, the doctor can recommend drugs that improve the functioning of the heart muscle and reduce the load on the heart ( glycosides ).

Correctly selected therapeutic scheme helps to normalize contractions and prevent complications.

If the extrasystole is found in a healthy person and its cause is overload (physical or emotional), you just need to adjust the mode of work and rest, diet, to abandon bad habits.