Postcards from paper with your own hands

Postcards from paper made with their own hands are a good idea of ​​a gift, so that a child congratulates his relatives and friends on any holiday. And if the grown-ups help him a little, and direct, then you can create a real masterpiece. Hand-Maid is now at the height of popularity, and not only children are addicted to it. This is not just a useful lesson, but also an opportunity to establish close contact with your child, especially if a child enters adolescence , is more often locked in and you can not find a common language with a once quiet and open child. So boldly create ideas, and together with the child embody them in life! One of the options, how to make a card with your own hands and decorate it - you can learn in this article.

For beginners, it will be suitable to make light children's cards from flowers with their own hands.

For young children, you can tell a small preface in the form of a fairy tale where the main character of the postcard is a fairy dressed in a unique dress of flowers and leaves. She is very fond of walking in the woods and appears usually before the holidays to suggest how to make a card from paper. In return, she asks that this postcard be decorated with her portrait.

This card for children, made by themselves, will preserve the memories of a wonderful and warm summer, teach kids to create a herbarium, from which a children's masterpiece will be created.

The help of adults in this creative process will be very appropriate. It is necessary to prepare the following material for children so that they can produce postcards from paper:

First you need to collect fresh leaves and flowers, you can find them walking on the street, or in the woods, going home from school, or ask in flower shops if the window is the wrong season. Next, gently, spreading all the flowers and petals, put in the book between the sheets. But if there is a press for drying flowers, then it is better to use it. Herbarium should be left to dry for a few days.

Draw and cut out a figure from colored paper (in the image of a human silhouette) which will be a fairy. You can use a special stencil (circle it with a simple pencil and cut it out).

Then, take a white cardboard, cut out of it, in size 15x10, a rectangle, you can consider it a card. On the card you need to paste a fairy. Next, cut from the colored paper hairstyle for the fairies and paste it.

Gently take the dried flowers. Having included imagination, select and arrange them so that there was a beautiful dress and a hat for a fairy. Very carefully lift each leaf, apply a little glue on it and gently press it to the figure where you planned its location.

And finally, take a whole sheet of thick paper or cardboard that you like color, and cut out a rectangle (35x25), fold it in half, on the title you need to paste a ready card with a fairy, and on the inside write a congratulatory verse. That's it, the children's card is ready with your own hands.

Do not be afraid to dream, boldly fantasize with the child and create wonderful gifts for the whole family with their own hands!