Hemorrhagic cystitis - treatment

The main difference between hemorrhagic cystitis and the usual is the presence of blood in the urine. It can be present in various amounts and give the physiological fluid a pink, red or dirty brown color. In severe cases, you can see blood clots of various sizes. In this case, urine has an unnatural fetid odor.

In women, hemorrhagic cystitis is much less common than in men. The treatment plan for hemorrhagic cystitis depends on what caused the disease - a bacterium, a virus or a fungus. Most often, the causative agent of this disease is a bacterial infection that has penetrated the bladder, causing inflammation.

Symptoms of hemorrhagic cystitis

The symptomatology of this disease is identical to the usual cystitis - a woman has rez when urinating, making it almost impossible - urine is allocated literally drop by drop. There are pains in the lower abdomen, from tolerant to very intense, often the disease is accompanied by fever. A distinctive feature of this type of cystitis is the staining of urine with blood.

How to treat hemorrhagic cystitis?

The main task - to identify the root cause of the bladder and fight it with it. Often, if hemorrhagic cystitis is caused by a bacterium, then antibiotic therapy is prescribed. In viral infection, stimulation of immunity is shown.

In addition, prescribing drugs to increase hemoglobin levels in the blood, funds for temperature, painkillers, and vaso-strengtheners. If the disease has gone far, and clots interfere with the passage of urine, the bladder is washed with a probe.

Diet with hemorrhagic cystitis

This disease provides for an enhanced drinking regime, which, in addition to regular teas, includes cranberry fruit juice, mineral water and birch sap. At the time of treatment from the diet, you need to remove all acidic and acute foods, so as not to irritate the walls of the bladder.