First aid for electrical injuries

Damage to tissues during the action of an electric current is called electric trauma. The cause of its reception can be a lightning strike or contact with a current source, therefore it is important to know how the first aid is provided for electrical injuries. The provision of various measures depends on the intensity of the current and the duration of its damage, but in many ways they are the same.

First first aid for electrical trauma

Before starting to help, it is necessary to stop current flow by cutting the wires with a dry stick or turning off the switch. To prevent electric shock, a person trying to save the victim should wear rubber or woolen gloves. You can protect yourself by wrapping a dry cloth around your arm.

First Aid for Electrical Accidents

Measures to save the injured include the following:

  1. Move the patient to a safe place.
  2. Apply dry bandages to the damaged areas of the body.
  3. If breathing is not observed, and the pulse is not felt, an indirect massage of the heart muscle should be done, during which the mouth-to-mouth breathing should be performed.

Completely rely on their strength is not worth it. It is necessary urgently to deliver the struck to the hospital, since the probability of secondary cardiac arrest is high.

First medical aid for electrical injuries

During the transportation of the patient to the hospital, they continue to carry out resuscitation measures. To stop the implementation of mouth-to-mouth breathing is necessary only when breathing normalizes or if there are obvious manifestations of death.

In parallel with resuscitation, one milliliter of lobeline (1%) or cititon is injected under the skin, and five hundred milliliters of glucose (5%) or intravenously injected intravenously analogues.

Electrical shock after a lightning strike - first aid

Actions for rescue are almost the same as those previously mentioned. The main thing is not to try to cover the affected person with earth, as this can cause hypothermia, difficulty breathing and circulatory process.

If the lightning struck several people at once, then the first medical aid for electric trauma is, first of all, being in a state of clinical death. Affected, who do not need resuscitation, it is better not to touch, and wait for the ambulance to arrive. It is possible to impose a dry gauze on the damaged places.