What are the dangerous swelling in pregnancy?

According to statistics, approximately 75-80% of women who carry babies face such phenomena as swelling. In this case, they often have a physiological character, i.e. are caused by an excess of fluid entering the body and the difficulty of its excretion. Let's try to find out what are the dangerous swelling in pregnancy, including internal ones.

What effect does the retention of fluid in the body have on the course of pregnancy?

Practically starting from 5-6 months of gestation, the doctor at each visit of the pregnant woman is interested in the presence of her edema. As a rule, they appear later in the evening, and after a night's sleep they subside. Therefore, having come to see a doctor in the morning, the doctor may not notice anything.

Fear of the doctors appearance of puffiness causes for a number of reasons. First of all, this phenomenon is reflected not only on the woman's health (constant weakness, fatigue, increased blood pressure), but also during the pregnancy:

Speaking about the danger of swelling in the last weeks of pregnancy for a child, doctors mention gestosis - a complex of disorders that causes complication of the course of gestation. In such cases, a woman faces a violation of the kidneys (nephropathy), a defeat of the nervous system (pre-eclampsia, eclampsia). These conditions require medical intervention, so they can lead to the death of both the fetus and the pregnant woman.

What are the dangerous internal swelling?

Such a violation is insidious in nature by the fact that it can not be visually determined. To make a diagnosis, calculate daily diuresis, the volume of absorbed and excreted fluid from the body.

In most cases, water accumulates directly in the muscle tissue, which is also located in the uterus, the placenta. Enlarged, edematous placenta can squeeze blood vessels, leading to hypoxia.