Dry spots on the skin

Dermatological diseases are one of the most difficult to diagnose - usually, only a dermatologist's examination is not enough to reveal the true cause of the disorder. In this regard, repeated skin samples for fungus and mites, as well as a blood test to determine the presence or absence of the inflammatory process or autoimmune processes are required. Therefore, the theoretical basis for the characteristics and symptoms of dermatological diseases is the first and general stage in diagnosis.

Causes of dry spots on the skin

The appearance of dry spots on the skin can be evidence of various diseases, depending on its nature, the multiplicity and color of the spots, and the presence or absence of itching.

Dry red spots on the skin

If there is a red dry stain on the skin, and for some time (about a month) on the body there are additional spots of a similar nature, that is, the probability that the cause of this is psoriasis. The disease belongs to autoimmune diseases and has an average intensity of the flow. Relatively fast skin in this area thickens with the formation of plaques that acquire a grayish tinge. Spots are located, as a rule, on the elbows, knees and buttocks, and in more rare cases - on the scalp. However, they do not have a specific limited localization, and can arise anywhere.

Also, red spots can be shingles , a disease of a viral nature, which, unlike psoriasis, is treated 100%. Red spots appear along the nerve trunks, and a characteristic feature is a one-sided lesion.

White dry spots on the skin

If there are white dry spots, then it can be vitiligo. In favor of this disease speak the spots that have arisen after a long stay in the sun. It is believed that there are no subjective sensations of the disease, and it gives only a cosmetic defect, but since the skin can be in a dry state, in parallel with the development of vitiligo , this likelihood should also not be underestimated.

Dry round spots on the skin can also indicate fungus, which is accompanied by itching. The common name of the disease is pityriasis, which is characterized by white spots (especially when visible in the presence of sunburn) with clear boundaries.

Gradually, multiple spots merge into common boundaries and create clearly delineated uneven white patches.

This disease is also accompanied by increased sweating, itching and can occur against the background of immunodeficiency, endocrine disorders and chronic gastrointestinal diseases.