Effective remedy for cold and flu

Sore throat and runny nose - problems that can occur at any time of the year. Of course, they worry much more often during the cold period, but in summer they suffer from fever, inability to swallow and snot have many. Therefore, it is necessary to know about effective remedies for cold and flu. Moreover, they should always be in the medicine cabinet. Especially when traveling and traveling.

The most effective remedies for colds

Treatment of the common cold should be comprehensive. It is important not only to eliminate external manifestations of the disease, but also to deal with the cause that caused it. As a rule, such groups of medicines are used to combat viral and cold diseases:

  1. Antiviral drugs are used to control pathogens. Among them are drugs that prevent the spread of viruses, blocking their reproduction, as well as stimulating the production of interferon.
  2. A very effective group of remedies against cold and flu are vasoconstrictive. Its representatives are struggling with a cold and nasal congestion.
  3. At temperature, antipyretic agents are required.
  4. If the patient is allergic, antihistamines must be prescribed.
  5. You can not do without immunomodulators, activating the body's own forces.

Among the most effective remedies for cold and flu can be identified:

  1. Arbidol is a drug suitable for the treatment of different strains of influenza type A and B.
  2. Amiksin is equally effective both in the treatment of ARVI and in the fight against influenza.
  3. Kagocel is most expedient to take in the first day after the onset of symptoms of the disease.
  4. Grippferon is an inexpensive and effective remedy for colds. Its big plus - the medicine is suitable for everyone.
  5. Tamiflu copes well with viruses and can be prescribed for preventive purposes during epidemics.

Effective folk remedies for colds and flu

Of course, no one canceled the traditional methods of treatment:

  1. Inhalations with essential oils sometimes act even more effectively than drugs.
  2. Eliminate the symptoms of flu and cold helps herbal or dog rose tea.
  3. At low temperatures it is allowed to soar arms and legs.
  4. Berry and milk kissels soothe the sore throat, enveloping the mucous.
  5. Kills viruses tincture on orange peels. You need to drink it in small portions - no more than fifteen drops - and only diluted.