Chewed cheese - good and bad

Smoked Chechel cheese or, as it is called in the people, "pigtail" belongs to the traditional Armenian cuisine. By its consistency and taste, it is very similar to smoked cheese suluguni , but still the censer has significant differences from it. The main difference, perhaps, is the appearance, because the braided pigtail is definitely not confused with anything. But in addition to the attractive appearance, this cheese has many other qualities. Let's take a closer look at the benefits and harms of Chechel cheese for the body.

The benefits of cheese cheshil

Like any dairy product, smoked cheese is a rich source of calcium and phosphorus, which are necessary for the health of hair, nails and bones. Also this cheese contains vitamins of group B, which normalize the work of the nervous system and improve sleep. In addition, it is worth noting the excellent nutritional properties of Chechel cheese. For one hundred grams of cheese, 320 kilocalories are needed. Cheese fat chewed rather low (5-10%), so it is perfect for people who are trying to get rid of excess weight, but can not deny themselves a favorite treat.

The composition of Chechil cheese is fresh cow, sheep or goat's milk, which sours in natural conditions. Also included in the composition is a rennet enzyme used to coagulate milk. Since the composition of the cheese is very neutral, then it can not bring any harm to the body. However, people with stomach problems need to be cautious about using smoked products, even if they are dairy. But in general, the main thing is to choose the right cheese. Never get Checheil cheese too brightly colored, because it means that when using it, dyes were used. In addition, the danger to the body is cheese, which was not prepared by a natural way of smoking, but with the help of liquid smoke .