Cyst of the right ovary

This kind of disease, like the cyst of the right ovary, is characterized, first of all, by the formation of a bubble filled with a liquid, which, growing, can occupy the volume of the organ. In this case, the cyst itself can consist of both 1 and several chambers. This kind of formation differs among themselves and in histological structure, and in the nature of the fluid that fills them.

What are the symptoms of a right ovarian cyst?

In most cases, the disorder is detected already at a late stage, when the size of the lesion is large enough, because of what it begins to exert pressure on adjacent organs and tissues. Early detection of the disorder is hampered by the fact that the symptoms with the right ovary cyst are generally mild. Many women learn about having such a violation while undergoing a preventive examination, saying that they have absolutely nothing to worry about.

The appearance of an ovarian cyst may be indicated by the following symptoms:

When a woman has one of these signs, you need to urgently go to the gynecologist for a complete examination.

How is the diagnosis of the disease carried out?

The main stage in determining the violation is the conduct of ultrasound. It is this method that makes it possible to determine exactly where the formation is localized, what dimensions it has.

Sometimes, especially in the late stages of the disease, because of its large size, the doctor can easily feel the ovarian cyst through the anterior abdominal wall.

In order to determine the nature of the detected neoplasm, hysteroscopy is also performed, in which a tissue sample is taken to a biopsy. This allows timely detection of malignant formation and treatment.

How is the cyst of the right ovary treated?

When a cyst is found on the right ovary, the treatment starts immediately. At the same time, it must be said that the algorithm of medical actions depends entirely on what type it is. So, if the cyst is of a functional nature, i.e. appeared as a result of the menstrual cycle, in most cases, special treatment is not prescribed. In this case, the girl must be constantly under medical supervision and periodically come to the examination. Very often, functional cysts resolve themselves for 2-3 cycles. If this did not happen, prescribe medication. The basis of it is hormonal drugs.

Often during the treatment, cysts of the right ovary are resorted to using folk remedies. At the same time, the basis of therapy is curative herbs: nettle, wormwood, mint, marshmallow, hawthorn, thyme, turn, leuzea root, shepherd's bag, yarrow, chamomile, elecampane root, etc. Of these, decoctions are made that are used for oral administration or for topical administration.

With a dermoid cyst of the right ovary, treatment without surgery is impossible. It is carried out by the method of laparoscopy, which is less traumatic and has a short recovery period. Also, operative treatment is subjected to those cysts, whose size in diameter exceeds 10 cm.

Thus, it can be said that the characteristics of the cyst treatment process depend, first of all on its type, and also on the stage of the disease and the severity of the process.