Life after cervical cancer

If you have previously been diagnosed with cervical cancer and you immediately removed it, even in this case, the illness that has been reported will often remind you of yourself in everyday life. Life after an experienced cervical cancer, as a rule, always passes with an eye on the transferred disease.

To begin with, the average age of women who survive cervical cancer is 60 years. Once such a diagnosis is established, life expectancy ranges from one to six years. Most often, the disease occurs after surgical interventions in the field of gynecology, chronic inflammatory processes and the destructive activity of papillomavirus. The disease is extremely serious, occupying the third place in the rating of the most dangerous tumors of the reproductive female system:

  1. When cervical cancer is detected at the initial stage, the five-year survival threshold is 90% of all female patients.
  2. The second stage of malignant tumor progression is 60% survival.
  3. The third level of the disease assumes a survival rate of no more than 35.
  4. At the last stage, the fourth, the threshold of survival is ten percent.

Complications of the disease

The complications of cervical cancer include:

Probability of relapse

It is very important to lead a healthy life after you have got rid of the tumor. The slightest trifle can lead to the fact that the disease will break out again throughout the body after surgery. The first five years after surgery are considered a rehabilitation period, then the probability of relapse significantly decreases.

The main reasons for the recurrence of cervical cancer are unprofessional actions of the doctor during the operation or the spread of oncology to the body before the treatment.

Symptoms of disease return can be:


Quite popular cases are when, when cervical cancer is detected, not the entire organ is removed, but only the invaded part. This is usually done in young women, so in two to three years they can afford to become pregnant.

One of the consequences of cervical cancer can be a purely psychological aspect, women often feel themselves inferior and for a long time they become depressed after the operation.

For women who have survived oncology, proper nutrition, movement, health care and regular medical examinations should become the norm of life and the prevention of cancer .