Hairstyles under a short dress

The main thing in creating an image is moderation. Our tips will help you "not go too far" from the hairdo on weekdays. Everyday, evening or wedding hairstyle with a short dress or a long dress should be in harmony among themselves.

Hairstyles for a short dress

If the dress shows off the line of the shoulders or décolleté, it will be most correct to dissolve the hair. For dresses with a closed top (collar-stand, cutout-boat), it is more appropriate to look at high hairstyles, for example, buntings, bunches, bumps, tails, babette.

In fact, the more spectacular and brighter the dress, the more natural your hairstyle should be. For lovers of sparkles, flowers, hairpins, bandages and other hair accessories, it is better to choose a dress of neutral colors and pastel tones.

Hairstyles for a short wedding dress

Often, a short dress of the bride indicates a desire to look easy, at ease and even a little carelessly. Therefore, her hair should not be too complex and pathetic. The most uncommon hairstyle is her hair. They can be wound or simply straightened with iron. If you are the owner of long hair, then the above option may not "fit" into the image. A short dress paired with long flowing hair does not always look proportionate.

A short classic outfit with a minimum of decoration is combined with a bunch, a shell, basket of spikelets, it is possible to weave threads of pearls. Especially chic hair decorated with a diadem or flowers. Aggressive piling with a ton of varnish on the head is not an option. On the wedding day, the veil is a must-have item. It is she who will sing you out from many other girls.

If we talk about non-standard wedding dresses (with a skirt-pack, feathers, military style, country or retro), then asymmetrical beams, tails, shells, brightly colored strands will suit. If you are a very brave girl, we advise you to combine several of the proposed options. Another nuance that can not be ignored is the type of your hair. Choose a styling that does not "break up" in the first half of the festival.