Acne on breast

Acne is generally quite unpleasant, and even when they appear on the chest, there is only one thought "What to do?". But, as with all problems with the skin, first you need to understand the reasons for the formation of pimples on the chest.

The causes of the appearance of acne on the chest

If you find yourself in small white, large red or even purulent pimples on the chest, do not ignore them. Firstly, because it is a kind of signal of your body about the problems that have arisen in its work. And secondly, the skin on the chest in women is especially tender, and therefore in time not cured acne can leave ugly marks on it.

So why does the pimple appear on the chest? Of course, this may be evidence of impaired internal organs, but in most cases, pimples appear due to improper care of their skin. This is a frequent wearing of synthetics and a neglect of regular cleansing. But if after applying the simplest advice on skin care, acne does not go away, then the trip to a specialist can not be avoided. After purulent pimples on the chest can be a "bell" of serious diseases in the gastrointestinal tract, disruption of the endocrine system and violations in the field of gynecology. Also pimples can "please" with their appearance at constant stresses, improper nutrition, after taking antibiotics and as an allergic reaction (for example, to food or to a new body lotion). In this case, the doctor will diagnose and prescribe a treatment that will help get rid of pimples on the chest.

How to remove acne on the chest?

Often you can see on forums messages like: "Squeezed the pimple on the chest, and now ...", and then there are enumerating the consequences: from the appearance of new rashes to the inflammation of the place from which the pimple was removed. Dear ladies, before you start fighting with pimples in this way, remember that the skin on your chest is thin, and you can easily earn yourself scars from squeezed acne, especially if you start to press subcutaneous pimples in which the purulent head is not formed. But if the pimple is already squeezed out, do not forget to disinfect this place. In general, when fighting acne, it is on the chest that try to avoid alcohol-containing compounds, various drugs with salicylic acid, etc., they will contribute to the beauty of your skin. We suggest you try the following methods from the folk medicine chest for acne treatment.

  1. Tar soap. It has long been proven that birch tar is good for problem skin. Only use such soap you need no more than 2-3 days, as it strongly dries the skin, and smells not the most pleasant.
  2. The melon pulp needs to be wiped and applied to the skin of the breast. After 15 minutes, this mask is washed off with massage movements.
  3. We take 3 tbsp. tablespoons of water, 3 tbsp. spoons of lemon juice and 8 drops of tea tree oil, mix all the ingredients and spray the problem areas with this mixture with a sprayer. Let the skin dry, then rinse with cool water.
  4. We take 3 tbsp. spoons of water, add 3 tbsp. spoons of soda, stir. The resulting scrub massage the skin of the breast, leave it for 3-5 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  5. Masks from clay help better, it's better that it's white clay. Also in the mask can add a few drops of tea tree oil.
  6. You can also spray on the skin a solution of potassium permanganate (the color should be slightly darker than pink), but not often, as it dries the skin and gives it a darker shade.
  7. Dry the pimples on the breast with a solution of sea salt, which also needs to be applied to the skin with a spray. But salt for this procedure should be taken without perfumes, dyes and other additives.