How to properly wear a diaper?

The first half-two or two years, while the child is not accustomed to the pot, he actively spoils diapers. Experienced parents can wear a baby pampers literally with their eyes closed! As for future moms and dads, for them the question of how to properly wear a diaper remains open until they try to do it themselves. Practically in this "science" there is nothing complicated. And in order for you to master the theory, we have prepared this article.

How to properly wear a disposable diaper (diaper)?

  1. Place the baby on a flat, firm surface.
  2. Carry out the necessary hygienic procedures (wash, lubricate with cream, process the umbilical wound).
  3. Take a disposable diaper, straighten it. Raise the baby's ass, holding it with one hand on both legs, and place the diaper under the ass. Or put the baby on the barrel, and pampers under it, first straightening.
  4. Ahead is the "front side" of the diaper. Cover it with the bottom of the belly of a crumb. If the navel has not yet healed, bend the upper edge of the diaper so that it does not touch the wound. Then in turn, fasten the Velcro.
  5. Make sure that the diaper does not transfer the baby's skin anywhere, but it is not too loose. The child should be comfortable! If necessary, you can tear the Velcro and fasten again.

How to wear a gauze diaper?

The debate about whether it is safe to use disposable diapers does not abate so far. And, although the vast majority of babies wear diapers, some parents still use their counterparts from gauze.

Dress gauze diaper is very easy:

  1. Fold the rectangle of gauze diagonally in half and put it downward. Above, approximately in the middle, place the child.
  2. Pass the lower edge of the diaper between the baby's legs up to the navel.
  3. Fasten the side edges as desired on both sides.

Answers to possible questions about diapers

How often can I wear diapers?

Modern parents can not worry about the fact that a frequent stay of a child in a diaper will damage his health. The most important thing is to change them in time. Keep an eye on the skin of the baby: if it has redness and irritation, you may need to change the brand of diapers. Also, regularly arrange baby baths.

How to wear a diaper to a boy?

Some pediatricians advise that when putting on a baby's diaper, the testicles should be raised slightly: it is supposedly useful for the prevention of dropsy. However, experience shows that the baby's genitals, once you put a diaper on it, will still settle down as they are "more convenient". Do not also direct the baby's penis up, otherwise the diaper can get wet on the waist. Based on these considerations, you need to wear a diaper on a boy the same way as a girl - according to the scheme described above.

When can I wear diapers?

There are no restrictions: the diapers can be worn from birth and until the child is accustomed to the pot.

How to wear panties?

Panties-diapers are worn in the same way as ordinary panties. It is convenient, when the child has already grown up, he knows how to crawl, walk and independently unbutton Velcro. However, panties diapers are waterproof, and using them, you can begin to accustom crumbs to the pot: they are easily removed and dressed, but in which case they do not leak like ordinary cotton panties.