Atony of the intestine - what is it?

In the normal mode of operation, the muscles of the human intestine perform about 15-18 cuts per minute to ensure the progress of digested food over it. If the peristalsis slows down, atony of the intestine develops, which is not difficult to explain - it is a loss of smooth muscle tone of the thin, thick and rectum, which leads to constipation. Actually, constipation is one of the main and most formidable symptoms of this disease.

Symptoms and causes of atony of the intestine

Do you think constipation is not scary? Completely in vain! Do not treat this problem without proper attention and engage in self-medication. If folk remedies and the increase in the amount of fluid used do not help, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor. Otherwise, you risk earning an intestinal spike, intoxication, cancer and other serious illnesses, in some cases dangerous for life. Intestinal atony is a scourge of modern times, one of the pernicious influences of the rapid development of technology. The main causes of the disease:

All this leads to constipation of a physiological or nervous nature. The main symptom of atony is the absence of a regular stool less often than every two to three days in an adult and once a day in a child. Adverse symptoms are:

In severe cases, bloating, aching pain and fever.

Treatment of intestinal atony

In order to get rid of atony of the intestine in a mild form, it is enough to increase the amount of activity and revise the mode of operation in favor of its reduction. The less you are nervous and tense, the better. Also, the positive effect is an increase in the amount of liquid drunk: it's good to start the day with a glass of warm clean water and then drink the same for half an hour before eating. In severe cases, the doctor may prescribe medication. If you have intestinal atony, treatment with medications involves taking one of the drugs that regulate the stool, improving peristalsis and digesting food that relieve inflammation:

Diet when atony intestines should be rich in vegetables and porridge. It should be deleted:

Also, you can not eat fruit that has an astringent effect:

To eat it is necessary fractional, but often, a break between meals should not exceed 2-3 hours. Try to eat more soups. If you have developed atony of the intestine after an operation that was performed on another organ, there is a possibility that the condition will normalize itself, without special treatment. The main thing is to follow the diet and diet.

Treatment of intestinal atony with folk remedies

The atony of the intestine allows and treatment by folk remedies, most importantly - do not use grass senna , which produces a strong laxative effect. It causes rapid addiction and after the cessation of treatment the patient's condition will only worsen. It is much better to take such folk remedies as:

These products produce a mild laxative effect, and therefore are not dangerous.

Here's a recipe that will help defeat intestinal atony in a few weeks:

  1. 1 tablespoon chopped crust of buckthorn alder-shaped pour a glass of boiling water and let it brew for 15 minutes.
  2. Then put on a weak fire and cook for 5-10 minutes, closing the lid.
  3. After cooling, this broth should be taken half a cup in the morning and before going to bed.