Radiography of the stomach

Radiography for a long time remains in the list of the most effective methods of examination of the stomach. The method allows you to fix the image on a special film and to see the small details that are displayed quite clearly, which is not observed, for example, in fluoroscopy.

When do they give a radiograph?

Among the indications for radiography of the stomach and duodenum are the following symptoms:

These signs indicate a violation of the gastrointestinal tract, which is the reason for the passage of a full examination, the main role in which the X-ray of the stomach plays.

Preparing for radiography of the stomach

Radiography of the stomach requires preparation, during which the patient must follow certain recommendations:

  1. Radiography is performed on an empty stomach.
  2. On the eve of the procedure, 200 ml of barium sulphate solution is drunk.
  3. A few days before the procedure, you need to cleanse the body of gases and wastes , with the help of Fortrans . A single bag of 70 kg of weight is used, in some cases a double dose is prescribed, but only on the advice of a doctor.

When radiographing the stomach with barium, a provocative test is carried out in order to prevent an allergic reaction. This is done with the help of barium sulphate, which is taken orally, after which the patient's condition is observed for 20 minutes doctor. An indication of an allergic reaction is skin changes and disruption of the internal organs. In some cases, nausea, vomiting and dizziness may occur.

How is the radiography of the stomach?

Radiography of the esophagus and stomach is carried out with the help of an X-ray machine, which, among other things, consists of two important details - a screen and an X-ray tube. It is between them that the patient is placed. Under the supervision of a doctor, the patient takes a contrast, the movement of which is visible on the monitor. During the procedure, the patient changes positions several times, and the specialist, through the control of the apparatus, makes a series of X-ray images, which are then diagnosed.