Demodex mite

Acne is a special kind of microscopic organisms, parasitic on the skin and in the mouths of hair follicles. The demodex mite provokes the development of a disease called demodicosis , which usually affects the face, especially in the area of ​​nasolabial folds, eyelids, eyebrows, forehead and chin. There are still disputes about whether the presence of acne is a pathology, but the clinical manifestations of the vital activity of these parasites have very characteristic features and unpleasant consequences.

Reasons of reproduction of hypodermic mite Demodex on the face

Infecting the microorganism under consideration is very simple, especially with reduced local skin immunity. Demodex is transmitted through mechanical contact with the carrier (kisses, hugs, contact with cheeks), bed linen, public towels. In addition, there are cases of prolonged mite existence on the skin without visible manifestations. Exacerbations occur for the following reasons:

Symptoms of the demodex mite

The main characteristic feature of parasitization of the described microorganism is a skin rash, reminiscent of rosacea and acne. Acne is localized throughout the face, with a predominance on the chin, forehead, nose, nasolabial folds and cheekbones.

Other symptoms:

It is worth noting that not all listed clinical manifestations are observed simultaneously, sometimes only 2-3 symptoms are present or there are no signs of parasitizing the tick.

Treatment of mites demodex on the face

The disease is complex and very long-term therapy (not less than 8-9 months).

The scheme of treatment of the face mite demodex:

  1. Normalization of the gastrointestinal tract through diet correction.
  2. Restoration of hormonal balance (if necessary).
  3. Daily soft skin cleansing 3 times a day.
  4. Refusal to use all decorative cosmetics, except for lipstick and lip gloss.
  5. Application of antibacterial local agents and sulfur preparations (this substance has a harmful effect on ticks).
  6. Daily change of a pillowcase or its thermal processing (iron iron).
  7. Use disposable paper towels for the face.
  8. Refusal from alcohol and smoking.
  9. Application protivodemodekoznye masks and emulsions (prepared in a pharmacy on request).

In addition, you need to pay attention to the treatment of the demodex mite on eyelashes:

  1. Massage the eyelids with a glass rod extracting the contents of the hair follicles (2-3 times a week).
  2. Treatment of the eyelids with a solution of calendula.
  3. Instilling of drops with antibiotic.
  4. Rubbing into the eyelids of a special anti-diabetic cream.
  5. Daily thorough cleansing with antiseptic solutions.

Additional measures of therapy include face massage, facial cleansing, mechanical cleaning (at the stage of recovery from demodecosis).

It is important to note that you can talk about recovery only after 3 negative scrapes. Dermatologists recommend to continue to do the tests once a year to avoid relapse of the disease.