Hemorrhoids Stage 3

In medicine, there are 4 stages of hemorrhoids development. The first stage of the disease is considered preclinical, often does not contain obvious signs of the disease, and the diagnosis in this period is difficult. At the second stage already there are expressed clinical symptoms and regular prolapses of nodes that can self-correct.

Signs of hemorrhoids in stage 3

With hemorrhoids of stage 3, there are:

Hemorrhoids are divided into external (nodes protrude around the anus), and internal (nodes are in the rectum and are not visible from the outside). Internal hemorrhoids of stage 3 cause much stronger pain than external, and bleeding in this case is usually much more intense. In addition, at this stage, the transition of internal or external hemorrhoids into a combined hemorrhoid is possible.

At the 3 stages of the disease, it is possible that the nodes fall out not only during defecation, but also under physical exertion. It is also likely complications in the form of infringement of the node, its thrombosis, the development of a pronounced inflammatory process.

Treatment of hemorrhoids of the third stage without surgery

At stage 3, treatment of hemorrhoids with non-surgical methods is considered possible in the absence of degenerative complications. Conservative treatment of stage 3 hemorrhoids is performed at home (does not require hospitalization), but exclusively under medical supervision, traditional medicine methods. The methods of traditional medicine in this case can only act as auxiliary means.

Ointments from hemorrhoids 3 degrees are used in the presence of external nodes, to lubricate them, usually twice a day. Among the tools of this category are most often used:

  1. Heparin ointment. Has anti-inflammatory effect and prevents thrombosis due to anticoagulant properties.
  2. Levomekol. Antibiotic of local action with pronounced anti-inflammatory effect.
  3. Bezornil. A drug with antiseptic and accelerating regenerative processes.
  4. Hepatrombin. The drug is based on heparin and prednisolone, with a blood thinning and improving the state of the vessels of action.
  5. Proctosan. Ointment with the content of lidocaine and bufeksamaka, with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect.
  6. Flemming ointment. The drug is plant-based with an antiseptic, drying and soothing effect.

Of the three stages of hemorrhoids, the most commonly used painkillers (with the content of (lidocaine or benzocaine) and anti-inflammatory (based on hydrocortisone or prednisolone.) To accelerate the healing and tone of vessels, candles with sea buckthorn oil are used, based on the bell's extract and horse chestnut.

Surgery for hemorrhoids of stage 3

In the absence of complications at this stage of hemorrhoids, minimally invasive procedures are possible:

The disadvantage of the methods described above is that they do not eliminate the problem of hemorrhoids and in the later stages are not always applicable. A full surgical intervention in this disease consists in the excision of hemorrhoids and the piercing of the vessels feeding them. The operation is performed under general anesthesia, followed by a patient's stay in the hospital for 7-9 days.