Firewood stove

The holiday home, in which it is planned to live not only in summer, but also in the cold season, simply needs some kind of heating system. Unfortunately, central heating is not available in all villages and country associations, and even heating a holiday cottage in which you spend only a few weeks in winter or autumn, the entire cold season is economically unprofitable. Therefore, many consider the option of installing a stove for cottages on wood.

Main types of wood-burning stoves

The wood-burning stove can be large or small, but it must contain some structural elements that are necessary for the proper operation of this heater. First, it is a furnace or a fuel cell, where firewood should be laid. The lower part of the furnace is made of cast iron. The coals lying on it heal the metal, which gives the effect of heat transfer. This part is called the grate. The burnt ashes through the grates fall into the ash pan - a chamber that must be periodically cleaned. Also, the wood stove should have a chimney - a pipe that removes smoke from the premises. It is especially important that the chimney is correctly executed and has no holes through which harmful smoke can penetrate into the rooms.

If we talk about the most common types of wood-burning stoves, then there are three. They differ depending on the materials from which they are made.

Cast iron has been used as a material for wood-burning stoves for a long time. It quickly heats up and slowly cools down, which makes it possible to maintain a homogeneous temperature in the room during the day. Mini-stoves for giving on wood are often made from cast iron, as even a small oven can heat a large area. This is also an ideal option, when in the cold season it is necessary to "heat" the house in a short period of time and make it habitable.

Another material used to make dacha ovens is iron. Small stoves for dacha on wood from it are cheaper than from iron. There are even mobile models, which can be moved from room to room if necessary, provided that each room has a special hole for installing the chimney. The disadvantage of such a furnace is that it cools quickly enough, so without a constant maintenance of the combustion process, the temperature in the house can quickly drop.

Finally, the most solid - stoves made of stone. Their location and design are calculated at the design stage of the house, and the furnace is built after the completion of the main stage of construction, but before the interior decoration of the rooms. Advantages of brick kilns in their multifunctionality. So, there are stoves for dacha on wood with a fireplace or stove, you can also build a famous "Russian stove" with a bed. However, the construction of such a furnace will cost a little more than buying other options. How to choose a stove for giving on wood

Determining with this or that variant of a wood stove for a summer residence, it is necessary to consider, first of all, the size and a configuration of premises in a country house. Mobile options, without a system of pipes, can usually well heat one room or, if they are embedded in a wall and in different parts go to different rooms, then several adjacent rooms. For a large-sized house, several pieces will be needed at different ends of the building. It is much more expedient in this case to equip a capital furnace with pipes running all over the house. This is also the best option for country houses in several floors. Water, heated in the boiler of such a furnace and passing through the pipes, will warm all the rooms in the house at approximately the same temperature.