Cetrin - indications for use

Tablets Cetrin is an excellent antihistamine, which has certain indications for use, which should be known for safe treatment. The drug Cetrin is available in the form of tablets coated with a white film coating, as well as in the form of a suspension. Let's consider in more detail, from what helps Tsetrin.

Indications for the use of tablets Cetrin

The drug is classified as a group of selective antihistamines, they are also called histamine blockers. The agent acts depressingly on the central nervous system and has sedative properties. Most often it is prescribed for acute allergic reactions.

The drug Zetrin has the following indications:

The main therapeutic effects of taking medication include the elimination of itching, as well as swelling. Due to its components, it reduces the permeability of capillaries and the yield of fluid in the tissue. If there are spasms of smooth muscles, then the drug also removes them.

As a suspension, this drug can be prescribed in conjunction with other medications to treat bronchial asthma. The medicine is applied even for the treatment of children from two years old.

How does the drug work?

Histamine is responsible for the appearance and development of allergic reactions. During the reception of this drug cetirizine (the main active substance of Cetrin), getting into the body, binds to the receptors and simply blocks them. In this case, histamine, which is excreted, simply can not contact its receptors and affect the body. Thanks to Tsetrin, the blocking of the allergic reaction occurs at the cellular level. In addition, it reduces the activity of eosinophils and cytokines, which affect the maintenance of the inflammatory reaction.

Dosage and Administration of Cetrin

One tablet contains 10 mg of cetirizine, and 1 mg contains 1 mg of syrup. The medicinal preparation has its own specific dosage, which should be adhered to. The drug should be taken once a day for one tablet, washing it with a small amount of water. If the patient has renal failure , then the dose should be reduced to half the tablet. This is due to the fact that the accumulation of the drug in the blood can occur, and as a result - the development of side effects.

The course of treatment is an average of one to fourteen days. Everything depends on the severity of the allergic reaction. In case of an acute reaction of the body, it may take 10 to 14 days or until the symptoms disappear. More often than not, Cetrin is not used for more than two weeks, but if the situation is serious enough and chronic, then on the recommendation of an allergist treatment course can be increased to six months. As a preventive measure in hay fever or dermatitis, a course of one and a half months can be prescribed. But such continued use can appoint only a doctor in charge, after the necessary tests.

The effect of the drug begins within twenty minutes after taking and continues throughout the day. At the termination of application of tablets readiness of an organism for development of allergic reactions can be restored in three days.

If the patient has broken the dosage, side effects may occur in the form of increased drowsiness. In some cases, itching and skin rashes that occur after stopping the drug. When an overdose is often observed tachycardia and problems with urination. It is worth saying that there is no antidote, and therefore it is very important to adhere to the recommended regimen for taking tablets.