Diseases of the gallbladder - symptoms

The gallbladder is one of the main organs that take part in digestion. It is located directly under the liver, while it is connected to it by a small system, the so-called tubes, the bile ducts. Such a system of organs is responsible for the accumulation and timely excretion of bile. It is this bile fluid that helps to break down fats and activates the work of the intestines. Only for one day in the adult body, up to two liters of bile is produced and excreted.

The main symptoms of gallbladder disease

There are a lot of diseases caused by the violation of the gallbladder. And it is difficult to single out all the reasons for such a violation. Therefore, we give some of the main diseases that are often found in medicine:

  1. Dyskinesia - a violation of the mobility of bile along the ducts, in particular, due to a malfunction of the bile duct function. It manifests in the form of periodic pain in the right upper abdomen. The frequency of discomfort is determined individually.
  2. Gallstone disease - in this case, in the ducts of the gallbladder or directly in it stones are formed. Symptoms for treatment are severe pain in the right hypochondrium, bitterness in the mouth, periodic nausea and vomiting.
  3. Acute cholecystitis is an inflammation of the gallbladder, which occurs when stones hit the duodenum. In general, this disease does not show any special symptoms, except for periodic pain in the abdomen and right upper quadrant, as well as in the lower abdomen. If acute cholecystitis is not treated, it will develop into a chronic form ( chronic cholecystitis ), which is virtually impossible to get rid of.

Signs of gallbladder disease

Most often, the onset of gallbladder disease is hard to notice, because many symptoms are similar to other gastrointestinal diseases. For example, periodic nausea, tingling in the right side of the hypochondrium, morning bitter taste in the mouth and others - few people pay attention to such signs. But when the irregular pain is already growing into an acute one, and it becomes impossible to endure, it is necessary to consult a doctor for help. It is in such situations that the diagnosis of the disease is most commonly established. Causes of gallbladder disease can serve all sorts of factors, it is not impossible to hinder the work of the liver and other organs involved in digestion. Biliary colic, rubbing, pain gives to the collarbone and back, heart pains arise and, in the end, resuscitation. This is the end, as a rule, waiting for those who do not pay attention to such symptoms. Disease of the liver and gallbladder can "thrive" simultaneously and, most importantly, their signs are very similar. Therefore, even with the first suspicions and violations of the body, it is better to go to the hospital in order to prevent serious problems.

Eating with gallbladder disease

It is recommended and useful to use the following foods in the daily diet:

Do not use the following products: