Causes of hemorrhoids in women

The appearance of hemorrhoids and accompanying symptoms (itching, burning, bleeding) often becomes a complete surprise for women. However, such unpleasant sensations in the anorectal region do not arise from nowhere. There are many factors and phenomena that can provoke the development of hemorrhoids.

Heavy physical work

Lifting weights and prolonged standing work are common causes of hemorrhoids in women. This is due to the fact that when physical congestion in the veins of the pelvis is delayed blood. As a result, venous pressure is greatly increased. After a while, the walls of the wreath lose their elasticity and they form hemorrhoids. Basically, for this reason, hemorrhoids develop in athletes, dancers, hairdressers, teachers.

Sedentary lifestyle

The causes of hemorrhoids are:

If a person stays in a stationary position for a long time or moves very little during the day, stasis occurs in the syringes. This leads to a violation of blood circulation and to its stagnation in the pelvic organs, which provokes the appearance of hemorrhoids. If the occurrence of hemorrhoids in women is associated with such causes, during the treatment period it is necessary to use not only medications, but also daily exercise, swimming, gymnastics or just walking for at least 60 minutes.

Chronic constipation

The causes of hemorrhoids can be chronic constipation. This pathological condition is caused by a violation of the process of feces formation, as well as its movement through the intestine. If the solid stools are often and permanently retained in the lower parts of the intestine, they block normal blood flow.

Promotes the appearance of hemorrhoids and the habit of pushing for a long time during defecation, which is characteristic of all suffering from chronic constipation. Strain during defecation acts on the walls of the veins in a similar way to lifting weights.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The causes of hemorrhoids in women are pregnancy and childbirth. In the third trimester, the growing uterus begins to put a heavy pressure on the walls of the small pelvis, as well as the vascular system located in it. This greatly increases the stagnation of blood. In this case, almost every pregnant intestine is very sluggish due to changes in its innervation. Therefore, strong constipation in this period is not uncommon, which also adversely affects blood flow in the rectum.

Mostly during pregnancy the patient feels a slight itch or burning sensation. But after childbirth, spotting can be observed during defecation. The reason for such an exacerbation of hemorrhoids in women is a sharp increase in intra-abdominal pressure, arising from attempts.

Inflammatory or tumor processes

The causes of the appearance of hemorrhoid symptoms can be various tumoral or inflammatory processes in the pelvic region:

During these diseases, the inflow of blood increases, and, consequently, favorable environment for the development of hemorrhoids.

Psychological overstrain

The rapid rhythm of life, which is typical of most modern people, is associated with emotional stress and intense stress. This is not directly, but indirectly affects the deterioration of blood flow in the veins of the pelvis, because such conditions are reflected in the way of life and human behavior. For example, someone nervously eats very badly, or, on the contrary, "sticks to stress". If you notice that the hemorrhoids were caused by psychological causes, apply rectal medications and medications that normalize the nervous system to treat it.