Preparation of walls for decorative plaster

You can buy the most perfect and expensive composition, but if you do not prepare the walls correctly, then all work, definitely, will go wrong. No one really wants expensive materials to be thrown out, but decorative compositions are a delicate thing. It is necessary to do everything carefully, not worse than before painting. We believe that our small but very important list will help beginner plasterer.

Stages of preparation for decorative plaster

  1. First of all, all other construction work - installation of windows, doors, ceiling and floor covering - should be completed indoors. Take out the garbage, so as not to raise more clouds of dust and dirt in the air.
  2. It is advisable not to rush very much, and let the walls stand a little, about four weeks. If you are not sure that the building will no longer draft, then this time is better to increase.
  3. Do not save money on the interior grid - this will avoid many problems in the form of cracks on your beautiful plastered walls.
  4. When preparing, do not use the finishing materials on an alabaster or oily glue basis. These substances will prevent absorption.
  5. Putty should be made only on the primed surface, buy for these purposes formulations with antifungal additives.
  6. All detected defects (chips, cracks, potholes, large scratches) should be immediately closed with a special putty .
  7. Do not apply too thick a layer of material, do this in several stages, drying every time the walls about a day.
  8. After each produced putty, treat the walls with acrylic primer.
  9. The preparation of walls for decorative plastering involves grinding the surface, which is produced by fine-grained sandpaper.
  10. It is best to make preliminary stains - this will help you understand how the finished decorative coating will look and make further adjustments before the main works begin.

It is necessary to understand that the preparation of the surface for plastering is comparable with the preparation of a canvas for drawing an art canvas. To create a real masterpiece, you will have to go through several stages of preliminary work and here it is absolutely not necessary to neglect any, even a small trifle.