Positive traits of character

Since ancient times man has been trying to learn about himself and the people around him. With the advent of humanity, we have learned to recognize the negative and positive traits of a person's character. There are no ideal people, however, some people may have positive character traits, while others may not have them at all.

Positive character traits, the list of which is simply dimensionless, can be counted and treated in different ways. This is a good character traits, and signs of education, patience and tolerance, the ability to live in a society and sociability, and many others. Basically positive character traits are precisely those qualities that allow a person not just to live in a society, but also to comply with his laws, and also to maximally promote the rest of his members.

Where do the positive character traits come from?

The positive character traits and actions that we do, in the first place, depend on our innate temperament and character. The next thing that influences the formation of these traits and qualities in us is upbringing and surroundings. Adult people give their child a constant example of their behavior and actions, form their worldview and values ​​in life. What was most appreciated in life by your parents will undoubtedly be appreciated by you. It can be fun and cheerful, or, conversely, seriousness and responsibility, which in both cases are good traits of a person's character.

An attitude to life and to oneself is also important. This makes us what we are in reality, namely, the quality of our life, whether we are satisfied with it, and the formation and progression of positive character traits depends. In addition, the national mentality of the country, traditions, has a certain influence on the presence of this or that positive character trait. For the Slavic peoples, for example, a completely acceptable feature that has developed historically is generosity and self-sacrifice, which is not entirely clear to foreigners.

List of positive traits

Positive features of your character can be estimated in tens, if not hundreds of names. But it is hardly possible to collect all these qualities in one person. Moreover, some of them are not completely compatible. The positive character traits of a man and a woman may be somewhat different. If it is natural for a man to be strong and strong-willed, it is more preferable for a woman to have in character traits of kindness and sacrifice.

In men, courage, reliability, responsibility, wisdom, determination prevail. A reliable man always keeps his word, you can rely on him in any situation, he always helps with solving any problems. But for a woman more important are such positive traits of character as kindness, tenderness, gentleness, patience, thrift, caring. A real woman, first of all, should be the guardian of the family hearth, a virtuous wife and a good mother, ready to help and comfort.

For any person, regardless of whether it is a man or a woman, a teenager or a wise old man, there is a list of positive character traits that simply must prevail in each of us. It is openness and sincerity, unselfishness and generosity, generosity and willingness to help, loyalty and devotion, mercy and gratitude. Important also will be responsibility and reliability, seriousness and dedication, courage and courage, perseverance and patience, and many others.

Each of us can develop these important qualities. And the person who has the most of them is always a welcome guest, people are drawn to him, he is even happier and luckier in life.