Fir in a pot

Evergreen tree, which produces a thin coniferous aroma, can create an atmosphere of coziness and warmth in your home. Decorative fir in the pot looks very nice in any room. It would seem that there may be difficulties in growing fir in the home, because these trees are excellent in the street? But if you want your plant to be healthy, beautiful and well-groomed, you need to follow certain rules of its maintenance.

General information

Fir is an evergreen tree, home to the Caucasus and North America. Thanks to the variety of varieties, she has long been a favorite of many gardeners. If the ordinary tree growing on the street can reach eighty meters in height, then the height of decorative species does not exceed two meters. At home, that is, in pots, grow mainly fir Nordman (Danish), Fraser, seizure, golden and erect. They differ in the color of the needles and in the shape of the crown.

The life span of decorative varieties of fir exceeds several centuries, and in conditions of living nature the tree can grow to eight hundred years! If the tree growing on the street adds up to 30 centimeters a year in height, then the house fir grows much more slowly - no more than 4-6 centimeters per year.

Care of fir

Care for fir at home begins with the correct selection of soil. The soil must be selected nutrient, slightly alkaline, with a neutral pH. Light soil and loam have such characteristics. Do not hurry to immediately transplant the fir, which you bought in the winter. First the tree should get used to the temperature. If the store where you bought it was cold, let the pot sit for several days in the loggia or in the corridor. The adapted plant can be placed anywhere in the house, as the fir well tolerates both direct sunlight and partial shade.

Be sure to take care of the good drainage and pallet, as fir likes high humidity, and stagnant water for its root system is fatal. To water a tree it is necessary to root, and the crown should be sprinkled several times a week. In hot weather, sprinkling in the shower with cool water will not hurt. During the first two years after planting the fir, the plant does not need fertilizing. Adult saplings can be fertilized with granulated fertilizers for conifers. An excellent result gives top dressing kemir universal.

The crown of decorative firs is formed independently, but if you want to change its shape, then pruning should be done in the spring. In addition, pruning allows you to control the height of the tree. But replant decorative fir in a new pot of a larger size is necessary every two to three years. It is recommended to do this in April or September-October, that is before or after a period of active growth. In order for the plant to adapt more quickly, it should not be removed from the roots of the earth's soil, and immediately after transplantation it is necessary to fertilize the soil with long-acting preparations. Make sure that after transplantation in a new pot the root collar of fir placed at the level of the soil.

Pest and disease control

Despite the lack of care in the care, decorative firs are prone to a number of diseases. If you overdo it with moistening of the soil, the fungus can develop. Affected by this disease the plant must be treated with a 1% solution of copper sulfate and transplanted into a new substrate. In the future, water the fir not so abundantly.

Often, decorative firs are attacked by cone leaf rollers, crustaceans and runaway moths. From this misfortune will help the treatment of pesticides. That the pests do not return, in the spring it is necessary to conduct preventive spraying.