How are children born?

All spouses expecting a baby are preparing for such an important event in their life. Now more and more expectant mothers with their husbands attend training courses for childbirth. They are pregnant women are taught different techniques of relaxation, which can help reduce pain during childbirth. Men are shown massage options, which also anesthetize contractions. Of course, they conduct lectures for future parents, because they have many questions about caring for the baby, and also about how children are born. It is very important to know the features of the process in order to feel more confident and calm. Therefore, families are told about the process of delivery, the physiological sensations to expect and what to be prepared for.

Births take place in three main stages:

The first period of childbirth

This stage is characterized by contractions - regular contractions of the uterus muscles that accompany the opening of the cervix before a new life is born. This is the longest period, which can last 12 hours, and sometimes more.

At an early stage, a woman only begins to feel contractions, they are not particularly painful. Their duration reaches about 20 seconds, and the interval between them can be about 30 minutes. Since a child is born for a long time, and childbirth is a tedious and physically difficult process, the expectant mother should take care of herself and try to rest between fights.

Over time, they become stronger and more often, and painful sensations intensify. This is the active phase, during which the cervix will open about 8 cm. In this phase, it's time to remember all the techniques of relaxation and relaxation in order to escape from the pain. It is necessary to note the duration of the fights and if each of them lasts about 1 minute and the frequency is about 10 minutes, then this is the time to take things and go to the maternity ward under the supervision of professionals.

In the transitional phase, the bouts are held at intervals of up to 5 minutes, each can reach more than a minute. The parturient can feel desires for the chair - this is normal phenomenon, because the baby descends ever lower in the birth canal and at the same time presses on the rectum, causing certain sensations. They appear just before the baby is born.

Attempts and separation of the placenta

The second period of labor, or labor, is also called the period of expulsion of the fetus, since a small man is born, in fact, precisely at this time. Contractions at this stage are accompanied by severe contractions of the uterus and an irresistible desire to push as hard as possible. A woman needs to remember that this is a crucial stage and one should listen to the doctor or midwife in all things so that there are no complications and breaks. At the stage of attempts by nature, the following nuances are provided, helping the mother in labor to cope with the task:

The head of the baby is the largest part of his body, because as soon as it appeared outward, the process goes much faster. After the child was born and made his first breath, the baby will be wiped off and put on the breast to his mother.

Then follows the easiest and painless stage of labor - the period when the placenta separates from the walls of the uterus. By this time, most women already do not remember about the difficulties that accompanied the birth.