What should be the discharge before menstruation?

Most women shortly before menstrual flow mark the appearance of such symptoms as pain in the lower abdomen and lower back, soreness of the mammary glands and their engorgement, a sharp change in mood, etc. This is the norm. However, not everyone knows what should be the discharge before the menstruation, and whether they are generally normal before menstruation. Let's take a closer look at this issue.

What discharge should normally be observed before menstruation?

Due to the fact that during the whole menstrual cycle a woman undergoes a change in her hormonal background, the discharge from the vagina changes her consistency, color and volume.

So, just before menstruation, because of the increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone in the girl's body , and the estrogens are synthesized in less quantity, the discharge from the vagina becomes a bit unusual.

If we talk about what should be normal discharge before the monthly, then at this time the vaginal whitens acquire a more creamy consistency. At the same time their color becomes white or slightly unclear, and sometimes they have a yellowish tinge. All of the above is normal and should not cause suspicion in girls.

Normally, vaginal discharge immediately before menstruation should not have any smell, and their appearance should in no case be accompanied by the appearance of itching, burning. It is also worth noting that the amount of whiter on these days is increasing, and most women note the so-called moisture of the labia.

In some cases, shortly before menstrual flow, women notice spotting. Their volume is so small that in the people this phenomenon has received the name "daub". They are observed, as a rule, 1-2 days before the monthly and are the norm.

It is worth noting that women who take a long time of various oral contraceptives, most do not notice the change in the nature of the vaginal secretion, which is not a sign of gynecological impairment.

Separately it is necessary to tell about what allocation are observed before the first monthly.

So, approximately 3-4 months before the first menstruation, there are vaginal leucorrhoea. They are ungodly, but in consistence can be both liquid and viscous. The main difference between them from the secretions that appear in infections of the genitourinary system - white or transparent color, no unpleasant odor.

What secretions are observed before menstruation when pregnancy occurs?

In such cases, before a woman learns of a delay, she may have white discharge from the vagina. They are thick enough, but not all-in-one. Sometimes in the early days, pregnant women notice the presence of bloody discharge from the vagina. The appearance of these, as a rule, is the result of an increase in the tone of the uterine myometrium. With an increase in the volume of bleeding in the early stages, when for 1 hour the sanitary napkin is soaked through with blood, it is necessary urgently to address to the doctor, tk. perhaps it's a miscarriage.

Thus, every girl should have an idea of ​​what color and consistency of excretion before the monthly should be. This will allow her to respond to the situation in a timely manner and, if necessary, contact the doctor for advice. After all, in most situations, a change in the character of whites before menstruation is only a symptom of a gynecological disorder, which, in turn, requires the appointment of a correct, qualified treatment.