Symptoms of ovulation

To know when the best time for fertilization comes, a woman wants for two reasons - to become a mother or to avoid unwanted pregnancies. In order to track this very peak hour, or ovulation, you need to apply several cumulative methods, which as a result will give the necessary information.

What is ovulation?

Young girls are often unfamiliar with medical terminology and vaguely imagine themselves invisible to the eye processes occurring in their body. But to control their reproductive function, every young woman should know what role ovulation and its symptoms play in life as a whole.

Basically, the egg yield from the ovary for fertilization occurs once a month about 14 days after the start of the menstrual cycle. Two days before and two days after, and together 5 days, are critical - that is at this time the highest probability of becoming pregnant. For those who plan a child are long-awaited days, and those who are not interested in procreation, avoid sexual intercourse or carefully protect themselves.

Symptoms of ovulation in women

As there are no two identical people on Earth, so are the symptoms of ovulation in each woman. They can be present almost all or not manifest themselves at all. During this childbearing period, this situation may change.

On what symptoms of ovulation in women should pay attention to not want to take the time necessary for fertilization, any girl wants to know.

Pain in the side

Most women feel the moment of release of the egg, which is accompanied by an unpleasant sensation in the lower abdomen from the side. Each month, this pain is localized to the right, then to the left, because the egg leaves each ovary alternately. It is very rare that two ovulations occur in one cycle and then the abdominal tenderness will be symptoms from both sides, but not simultaneously, but with an interval of 2 to 12 hours.

Of course, this is a subjective sensation of each and it is easily confused with problems in the intestine or even appendicitis. Therefore, just watching your body for several months, you can understand whether the pain refers to ovulation or not.

In some women, the intensity of pain in the side is so strong that it is simply impossible not to notice it, it does not release several hours in a row and is accompanied by other symptoms.

Nausea and dizziness

Simultaneously with a pain in the abdomen, a woman can vomit all day without good reasons, and weakness with dizziness-frequent companions of such nausea. If the girl does not suffer from GI diseases, then most likely this situation will be a likely symptom of ovulation.

Change in basal temperature

One of the most reliable methods of determining ovulation is the measurement of basal temperature. But the first time to do it will not be easy. It will be necessary to give this responsible case at least three months to notice the slightest fluctuations on the chart.

In order to correctly measure the basal temperature, you should do this in the morning after waking up, without even getting out of bed. To measure it is necessary by a usual thermometer rectally or in a mouth. The indications in these places differ from the usual ones of 36.6 ° C and are about 37 ° C.

Symptoms of ovulation before and after it are different. The temperature varies from day to day smoothly. After the end of the month, that is, in the first phase of the cycle, it gradually decreases, and then a sharp jump occurs (from 37.0 ° C to 37.4 ° C) - this is the necessary day for fertilization. If it happens, the temperature will keep at the same fairly high level, and if not, it will gradually drop to normal levels.

Test strips

Unlike pregnancy tests that measure the amount of hCG hormone in the urine, the ovulatory bands look for the presence of luteinizing hormone. It is his increase that indicates the onset of ovulation. This is a very expensive method, but for an accurate definition of the time of conception, it fits perfectly with the above methods.

Tenderness of the breast and discharge

Unspoken symptoms of ovulation include swelling of the mammary glands before ovulation. But such a sign can speak about hormonal problems, as well as about mastopathy.

Also, not everyone can distinguish between cervical mucus at the time of ovulation and at another time. At a critical period, it increases in volume and becomes similar to the protein of a raw egg - transparent, stretching and sticky. But it should be taken into account that such a situation is possible because of sexual arousal on any day of the cycle, as well as in various diseases.