The septum in the uterus

Uterus develops from two identical halves, which in the process of intrauterine development are completely connected. Thus, one cavity is formed. Sometimes under the influence of unfavorable factors during this period the process of organ formation is disrupted, and various anomalies of the uterine structure arise. The septum in the uterus is one of such malformations.

Main reasons

Among the most common reasons for the appearance of the septum into the uterus are the following factors:

When these factors influence during the period of formation and formation of the genital organs, various violations of the anatomical structure of the uterus can occur.

Options of the uterine septum

The degree and severity of the septum affects the prognosis and the possibility of bearing pregnancy. In fact, this figure means the length of the septum. And on this principle distinguish:

  1. A full septum in the uterus - the septum extends from the bottom of the uterus to the cervix. Often with such a pathology, women can not become pregnant.
  2. Incomplete uterine septum is a more favorable condition. But still the development of complications during pregnancy is not ruled out.

It is rare that the septum can be combined with other changes in the uterus. For example:

Similar anomalies in the development of the uterus do not prevent conception. But the septum in the uterus during pregnancy can cause a large number of problems. In most cases, the septum is blood supply worse than other walls forming the uterine cavity. Therefore, if the embryo is attached in this region, its death will occur.

Undoubtedly, in the presence of a septum in the uterine cavity, the contractile function of the uterus is disrupted. Accordingly, it will be difficult to give birth in a natural way because of weak labor activity. And the septum itself often interferes with the normal bearing of pregnancy. And all because you get a small amount of the uterine cavity, which prevents the growth of the child. At the onset of pregnancy, there is also a great risk of premature birth or fetal position. Even an incomplete septum of the uterine cavity can be combined with the inadequacy of the cervical muscles. And this can lead to the termination of pregnancy.


Removing the septum in the uterus is the only way to eliminate such anomalies of development. At present, hysteroscopy is used. With this method, the partition is dissected and removed. The procedure takes place under the control of a laparoscope, which is inserted into the abdominal cavity. Thanks to the effectiveness of this method, women with a septum in the uterus get a chance to bear the baby and feel the happiness of motherhood.

Amniotic septum

Separately, it is worth considering an amniotic septum in the uterine cavity, which has its own characteristics. This is a more acquired condition, detected during pregnancy. Simply put, such a septum is a fold of the amniotic membrane surrounding the fetus. Normally occurs with multiple pregnancies. It can also be formed after the transferred inflammatory diseases or traumatic manipulations in the uterine cavity. A similar condition can disrupt the turn of the fetus, but the process of delivery is usually not affected.