Currant sauce

From the currant are not only delicious compotes and jam. Recipes of a tasty currant sauce are waiting for you below.

Currant sauce for winter - recipe



We transform the red currant in puree in any convenient way. We pour it into a saucepan and send it to the stove. When the mass begins to gurgle, the fire is reduced to a minimum. The mass should not boil. Add sugar in portions and mix. When all the sugar has been poured in, add spices and vinegar. Boil 5 minutes and dispense on steamed jars. Currant currant to meat for the winter can be stored at room temperature.

Red currant sauce with garlic



Berries are washed, crushed with a meat grinder or blender. Then we pass through a sieve to eliminate the bones. We put poppy through the press garlic and chili pepper. Add sugar, salt and mix it well. Everything, red currant sauce with garlic is ready!

Black currant sauce for winter - recipe



For the sauce fit only fully mature berries. We wash them, tear off the tails. We put them in a pan, pour in water, put the pepper. We cook the currant for about a quarter of an hour, and then grind it through a sieve. In this puree, add sugar, paprika, coriander and chopped pepper in small cubes. Boil the sauce for about a quarter of an hour. During this time it will thicken well. Pour it into jars and close.

Spicy black currant sauce for the winter



I wash my currant and dry it well. We put it in a blender, we add previously crushed dill and garlic. There we send all the necessary spices and salt. Then we grind it all. We place sauce in sterilized jars, cork and hide in the cold. Enjoy your appetite!