Contraceptive patch

Every year more and more women choose a contraceptive patch for regular contraception. This method of contraception is quite young, but managed to prove itself well among women of different ages.

The contraceptive patch is a small piece of plastic flesh colored that adheres to the skin. The action of the plaster is also carried out through the skin of a woman. The most popular and affordable is the contraceptive hormonal plaster Evra (Evra).

The contraceptive patch was invented in 2002 and today is one of the newest developments in the field of contraception.

The principle of the contraceptive patch

The composition of the plaster includes sex hormones progestin and estrogen. These hormones are artificial analogs of natural human sex hormones. Penetrating through the skin into the body of a woman, these hormones block the process of ovulation and prevent the egg from leaving the ovary. Thus, the hormonal contraceptive patch interferes with fertilization, like oral contraceptives.

The hormonal patch provides reliable contraception - its effectiveness is 99.4%.

One of the main advantages of using a plaster from pregnancy is its ease of use. The patch is glued on the skin and replaced by another one every 7 days. For one menstrual cycle, 3 patches are used, after which there are 7 days of interruption, during which the next monthly ones come. The plaster should be on the body of a woman around the clock, otherwise its effectiveness immediately decreases.

Advantages of contraceptive contraceptive patch use:

Possible problems:

Contraindications to the use of the contraceptive patch

The contraceptive patch is a reliable contraceptive if it is pasted onto clean skin. During the application of the patch, one should refrain from using creams and lotions on the nearest skin areas. Contraceptive patches are recommended to be applied to the buttocks, shoulder blades, abdomen or on the shoulder.

You can buy a contraceptive patch in any pharmacy. The price of a contraceptive adhesive depends on the reputation of the manufacturer and its popularity. At cost, this method is cheaper than, for example, regular use of condoms. On average, the price of hormonal birth control pills is about 20 euros per month.

It should be remembered that the hormonal patch does not prevent the penetration of sperm into the sexual organs of a woman. This means that the contraceptive patch does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

Before using this method of contraception, you should consult a gynecologist. Also, on the Internet, you can see the women's feedback on the contraceptive patch, which uses it for a long time.

To date, Western scientists have taken another step in improving contraceptives for women. Already completed the latest finalization of the means of beauty contrace. The principle of action of these drugs is to regulate the hormonal balance in the female body, thereby preventing the occurrence of any side effects. These contraceptives are microdoses of estrogens, which include components that regulate the weight of a woman, the condition of her skin, nails and hair. Thus, protecting from unwanted pregnancy, these funds contribute to improving the appearance of the representative of the fair sex and her well-being.