Stool in the baby

The stool of the baby is one of the factors by which one can judge the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In this case, its color, consistency and frequency, directly depend on the type of nutrition of the baby. For example, the breast-feeding chair on breastfeeding has its own characteristics, and differs from that observed in children eating artificial mixtures.

What color should the first chair be?

Many parents are very frightened that the chair of their newborn baby at first has a black or even a black-green color, but the smell is not there at the same time. This is meconium, in other words - the original feces, which was formed during the stay of the crumbs in the womb of the mother. His appearance indicates that the intestines of the baby works well, and the volume of colostrum obtained by him, his body is quite enough.

What should be the stool of a baby who is on artificial feeding?

Normally, the stool of the infants breastfeeding is yellow, or even mustard-colored. As for the consistency, it usually resembles a liquid gruel. In the stool, there may be small inclusions of white granules or even a small admixture of mucus. All this is the norm of the stool in the baby.

What should be the stool of a baby breast-feeding?

The stool of a baby who is breastfed has a yellow color and a liquid consistency. In this case, color often depends on which mothers used the products before feeding the crumbs.

On what parameters of the chair should also pay attention?

The frequency of stooling in infants is an important factor. Normally the number of feces can reach 12 per day. Approximately by the second month of life their number is reduced to 2-4 times a day. In case there are no feces for 3 or more days, mother should take measures, since most likely the baby has constipation. In such situations, the baby is given a little laxative.

The smell of a stool in a babe, which feeds exclusively on breast milk, is usually not sharp or even absent. Its appearance, together with a change in color and consistency, may indicate the development of an infectious disease.

How does the stool change with the introduction of complementary foods?

Many mothers think about what color the stool should be after the introduction of the first complementary meal . Most often it becomes denser and has a pronounced smell. Coloring it completely depends on what color the baby's food was offered. In addition, it is necessary to take into account the fact that many products contribute to stapling the stool, while others, on the contrary, cause diarrhea. Therefore, before you panic about the fact that your baby has a thin stool, remember what you gave him before that.

What kind of chair should a baby have when mixed?

Very often a woman, after some time after childbirth, faces such a problem as a lack of breast milk. The only way out of the situation is the use of dry milk formulas. Thus, the baby is transferred to mixed feeding.

The stool of the baby, which is on mixed feeding, has its own characteristics. It all depends on what prevails in the diet of crumbs: artificial mixture or breast milk. If the baby eats more breast milk, and the mixture is used as a supplement, the stool is usually watery. If the mixture is more, the stool is more dense and uniform. The color usually has a yellow tinge.

In cases where the crumbs lack a lactase enzyme, small white lumps may be present in the stool, which are undigested breastmilk. In such a situation, the mother should contact the pediatrician who will solve the problem by prescribing the enzyme preparation.

Thus, the mother must constantly monitor the color, consistency and frequency of stools in her infant baby, because often their change can indicate the development of the disease or disruption of the digestive system.