Self-tattoo towels

Pale porcelain leather has long been out of fashion, so great popularity recently won solariums . But what if there is no time to visit the salon or you can not just sunbathe for medical reasons? In this case, the best means is a self-tanning . Most people prefer applying special creams and liquids to get darker skin tones. In this article we will consider such kind of autosunburn as napkins.

How do self-tanning towels work?

The principle of action is practically no different from the cream or lotion. The liquid to which napkins are impregnated, is saturated with chemical substances of natural origin. In contact with skin cells, these ingredients provoke an accelerated process of producing melanin, an enzyme that gives the skin a dark color.

Typically, the active components of wet napkins are amino acids, the most common are tyrosine and ANA (alpha hydroxy acid). Also in the composition is often found DGA (dihydroacetone), which is a fermented glycerin sugar.

The concentration of the above substances in napkins is slightly higher than in similar products in the form of a cream or emulsion. Therefore, after using self-tanner napkins, the effect appears almost instantly, which is very convenient if a uniform tanned skin color should be obtained quickly and without much effort.

What are self-tanning towels?

Like any other means for auto tanning, napkins are available for different types and shades of skin. When choosing it is necessary to pay attention to the recommendations on the package, because incorrectly selected napkins can paint the skin not in the desired bronze or chocolate color, but in a painful orange or yellow.

It is also worth noting that self-tanning napkins differ in sunscreen factor (SPF). Swarthy girls can purchase funds with a low SPF score of 15-20, while light skin needs stronger protection, best 30-40.

The best producers are:

  1. Nivea Sun Touch . Napkins have a pleasant smell and a soft texture. Sunburn lays down quickly and evenly, without spots and divorces. The disadvantage of this tool is how the color disappears - on the folds (knees, elbows) the skin looks spotty and gets a dirty yellow color. To avoid such troubles, you need a soft peeling of the skin every other day with a scrub or a hard washcloth.
  2. Bronzeada . Spanish self-tanning napkins, characterized by high quality and ease of use. Do not leave traces on clothes and bed, tan is not washed off for a long time, it is perfect for applying on the face and neck. But it is worth noting that, when using these napkins, the skin on the hips and shoulders darkens less than on other parts of the body.
  3. Intense Bronze Self Tanning Tint by Clarins . Self-tanning lotion with a high content of pigmenting substances. Ideal for tanned skin, give it the right bronze shade. Sunburn lasts about 2 weeks, washed off evenly. It is undesirable to use these napkins to the owners of very light and thin skin, since it is very likely to get a saturated orange color.
  4. Flash Bronzer from L'ancome . Napkins are convenient for the speed of the appearance of the effect and the uniformity of the application. In addition, the liquid contains a caring vitamin complex that moisturizes and nourishes the skin. Among the shortcomings seen are dark traces on clothes when using this auto tan, as well as a noticeable bronze shine of the skin, which looks somewhat artificially.