Honey cake with custard

All variety of recipes of "Medovikov" allows you to go beyond the borders of multi-layer honey dessert with sour cream, which is what we plan to do, telling you how to bake a honey cake with custard in recipes.

Cake "Honey feather" with a light custard


For biscuit:

For cream:


We start the honey cake with the custard from the cream itself, for which it is necessary to combine the egg yolks, previously whipped separately, with sugar. Mix the flour and milk, place the dishes with a mixture over a small fire. After 5 minutes, pour the milk to the yolks and whisk the ingredients together. Return the saucepan to the stove and after another 7 minutes, put the cream in diced butter. When the last will disperse, the custard can be put to cool.

For biscuit, combine honey, eggs and granulated sugar, pour in oil and add soda vinegar. Place the base of the biscuit over the boiling bath and boil, stirring, minus 7-8. Then add flour in portions. Divide the lump into eight parts, roll it out, cook each in a preheated to 195 degree oven to a browning. You can prepare a honey cake with a custard in a frying pan, frying the rolled cakes in a small heat. Each of the cakes with a cream and place on top of each other. Decorate the dessert with scraps from the cakes, ground into crumbs.

Chocolate honey cake with custard


For the cake:

For cream:

For glaze:


For biscuit whisk, turn the eggs and powder into a creamy mass. To beaten eggs add honey and melted butter along with sour cream. Whisk all the ingredients together, and then proceed to adding the dry ingredients in the face to a mixture of flour, soda and cocoa. Divide the finished dough into three, and then bake each of the pieces for 18 minutes in a preheated to 195 degree oven.

We pass to the cream. 2/3 of milk warm up. In the rest of the milk, dilute the flour, starch and sugar. Then pour in the oil. Add the solution to the warmed milk on the stove, warm the cream until it thickens and cool completely. Lubricate each of the cakes with a cream, stacking them with a pile. Make the glaze by dissolving gelatin in water, and then heating the solution with the remaining ingredients in a water bath. Fill the cake with frosting and leave to freeze.

Recipe for honey cake with custard


For cream:

For the test:

For impregnation:


Preheat cream with milk and vanilla pod. Pour hot liquid mixture of yolks and sugar, and return to the fire. Put the starch in the cream and leave it on the fire for a minute.

Components of the test, connect and leave it to go for an hour. Divide the dough in half, put the halves in the molds and let it brew for another half hour, then bake for 25 minutes at 180 degrees. Lubricate the biscuits with cream and pour impregnation from melted in butter butter with honey and almonds.