Soup with dumplings - recipe

Given the seasonal weather, the desire to keep warm with a hearty and hot soup is quite natural, but since most soups guarantee only a short saturation due to the high content of liquid, we suggest preparing a thick soup with dumplings to drive away the feeling of hunger for long hours. Read how to make soup with dumplings below.

Chicken soup with dumplings - recipe

Hot chicken soups are not only a hearty and dietary meal, but also a great way to cope with seasonal colds. One of the recipes for such a tasty preventive remedy we will share with you below.


For dumplings:

For soup:


If you use a ready-made broth, then start cooking with vegetables: cut the soup vegetables with cubes of equal size and save them in olive oil along with thyme leaves. When the vegetables are half cooked, add chicken pieces to them and wait until the bird grasps. Sprinkle the contents of the pan with flour, and after half a minute pour the broth, stirring, and making sure that there are no lumps left in the soup. Throw green peas into the broth and cover the pan with a lid.

Before making the dumplings for the soup according to this recipe, pass through a sieve and connect all the dry ingredients necessary for cooking. Separately, whisk the egg with kefir and pour into the dry mixture. Squeeze portions of the finished dough and throw them into the soup. Cover the pan with a lid, cook the dumpling for about 15-20 minutes. With the readyness of the dumplings, the soup itself is ready.

Buckwheat soup with mushrooms and potato dumplings

The recipe for a soup with dumplings like in kindergarten wants to be repeated by many, in fact, nothing simpler than it: the ingredients are as budgetary as possible, and the cooking technology is adapted to make the dish possible to cook in large volumes - the ideal solution for large families.



Pour the chicken with cold water and leave to cook for an hour. After a while, remove the meat from the bone, cut it, and broth the broth. Grind the vegetables and save them in vegetable oil until half cooked, then add mushrooms and wait until the moisture evaporates. In the final, add a chipped clove of garlic. In the broth, put the buckwheat, and after a couple of minutes add the roast of mushrooms and vegetables.

Make the dumplings for soup, combining the dry ingredients with milk and melted butter. Before starting the soup, cook the potatoes and chop it. Add the puree in dough. Throw a portion of the dough into a boiling broth and cook until ascend.

The recipe for soup with dumplings can be repeated in a multivariate, though with a ready-made broth. First fry all the ingredients on the "Baking", and after adding the liquid and buckwheat, switch to "Soup". When the mixture for the dumplings is ready, throw it in portions into boiling broth and cook everything until the ascent.

Ready-made buckwheat soup can become a part of the diet of an adult and a child at any time of the year, and serve it better with homemade croutons and an abundance of greens.