How to prepare a herring under a fur coat?

Without a salad, "Herring under the coat," at one time there was not a single celebration. And even the New Year's table, deprived of this dish, all the more seemed incomplete. But recently we are increasingly replacing the traditional traditional dishes with exquisite modern culinary masterpieces, sometimes even completely unjustifiably. After all, it is not easy to find a competing snack for herring under a fur coat. There is in this dish some kind of irreplaceable zest.

For those who forgot the recipe for this salad, we will tell you how to prepare a delicious herring under a fur coat in a classic version and offer a lazy version of the dish.

How to cook the right herring under a fur coat - a classic recipe



Potato tubers, carrots and beets are washed well and boiled until ready. Then we remove the cooled vegetables from the peel, the potatoes shred with small cubes, and let the carrots and beets pass through a large grater and determine temporarily in different plates. Also crush the pre-peeled salad onions and knead yolks with a fork.

With the herring we remove the skin, remove the insides, cut off the head and separate the fillets from the bones. We cut the obtained fish pulp with small cubes and put it on the bottom of the salad bowl. On top distribute the salad onion and grease generously with mayonnaise. Next layer lay out the potato cubes and cover them with a mayonnaise mesh. Now we spread out the carrots, top the beetroot and flavor again with a generous mayonnaise layer. If desired, you can salt a layer of carrots and beets, but do not forget that the herring is already fairly salty. We rub the top of the salad with crushed yolk and determine for several hours in the fridge for impregnation, previously covered with food film.

Before serving, let's decorate the salad with branches of fresh greens.

In the classic version of the salad, "Herring under the fur coat," the layers are arranged in this order, as in the above recipe. But very often cooks use a different order, putting first the potatoes, and then the herring with onions, claiming that it turns out so delicious. So it or not you decide, trying out the one and the other option.

Preparation of lazy herring under a fur coat



As in the classic recipe, the first thing we need to do is boil the vegetables until ready. Boil also the eggs for ten minutes, and then shift for a few minutes into ice water.

While cooking vegetables and eggs, we cut the herring. We clean it of the skin, we get rid of the head and entrails, rinse it well and separate the fillets from the bones. Small bones can be removed with tweezers. We cut the flesh of the herring with cubes about one centimeter in size and define into a bowl. Same way we send pre-cleaned, finely chopped and, if desired, boiled salted onions. Ready-made and cooled vegetables are rid of skins, we pass through a large grater and shift to herring with onions. Boiled eggs are cleaned, divided into yolks and proteins, the latter rubbed on the grater and lay to the rest of the ingredients, and yarn we knead with a fork and leave for decoration.

We dress salad to taste with mayonnaise and if necessary salt, but do not forget about the salty taste of herring. We give the dish a few hours for soaking, and then we put it in a salad bowl, we decorate with yolks and twigs of fresh greens and we can serve.