World Smile Day

Scientists have proved that a sincere smile is no less important for a person than vitamins. Those of us who do not get positive emotions, go constantly gloomy, with an acidic mine on their face, has a better chance of getting a breakdown and seriously ill. Everyone knows that a smile is extremely contagious. The interlocutor or a passer-by, who met by chance, met a cheerful cheerful person, almost certainly will smile at you in return. Did you know that there is an International Smile Day that has an interesting history.

How did the day come to the day of a smile?

In the middle of the 20th century lived a little-known American artist Harvey Bellu. He did not write famous paintings, which are exhibited at large exhibitions. But, nevertheless, many people know his name now. It was this man who once invented an amusing little face, which everyone calls a "smiley." The insurance company asked him to draw a business card with a memorable emblem. Harvey quickly completed the assignment and earned only fifty dollars. But a simple drawing so fell to the heart of ordinary people that after a while it could already be seen not only on business cards, but also on T-shirts, postcards, matchboxes.

Smiling face became that simple and cheerful symbol of a smile, which without explanation is understandable to any person in the world. It was our artist who initiated the establishment of a smile day, setting a date for each first Friday in October . For the first time it was solemnly celebrated in 1999. The holiday took root, even after many years, thousands of people every year on this day try to do good deeds, spreading around happiness , joy and smiles.

Well, if on this day of a smile you make a call to your relatives and friends, send a postcard, or a simple but sincere message with kind wishes. Even a simple smiley, which will come in the morning on the phone from a friend, can lift a person's mood for the whole day. A smile on your face does not necessarily mean that a person is happy today, but it helps a lot in communication, and almost nothing will cost you. But you can get a lot from others in return. A smile can create joy and a good mood in the house, inspiring tired and calming sad people. Let the smile be the password for all your friends. We wish that not only on this day, but also on all other days of the year, she will not leave your faces!