Viral conjunctivitis - symptoms

Diagnosing conjunctivitis is quite simple even for lack of ophthalmological knowledge and experience. However, it is not so easy to find out the cause of the inflammatory process and its pathogen immediately. Therefore, often only an expert can determine a viral conjunctivitis - the symptoms of the disease are almost identical to the clinical course of other types of pathology, but there are specific signs.

Symptoms of acute conjunctivitis

After infection with the virus, usually takes 4-12 days (incubation period), during which the sick person does not yet feel any unpleasant symptoms.

Once the pathogenic cells reach a high concentration, the following manifestations of conjunctivitis are observed:

Some of these symptoms are peculiar to the disease described.

Symptoms of chronic viral conjunctivitis

If the pathology has not been treated for a long time, it can go into a latent or slow form.

During the periods of remission, clinical manifestations of conjunctivitis are absent or almost invisible to humans. However, with relapses of the disease, they are very pronounced and intensified from time to time.