Is Beckham's marriage under threat?

No wonder they say that the rich are also crying. Their marriages break up, plans crumble, and all these traumatic experiences become public.

Just the other day it became known that the family union of David and Victoria Beckham - this is just a show.

Sometimes it happens that in a marriage one of the spouses is compelled to compromise, in order to preserve the family union. Completed his football career, David is at a crossroads, he simply can not decide what to do next.

Recently they made a decision: an ex-football player wants to go to Miami, where he will acquire a football team and will be engaged in its promotion. Such a life alignment does not please the successful fashion designer Victoria. A wife calls her husband an egoist and accuses him of being irresponsible.

Career or family?

- Vicki took her niche in the fashion industry, in addition, she worries about the future of four children. She does not want the children to move from place to place, like a gypsy camp. And it will be difficult for her to get used to new living conditions. Just the other day between the spouses there was a scandal and the ex-peppercorn can not come to, "said the insider.

On the claim of his wife, the former midfielder Real Madrid replied that he was fed up with fuss with the children. He is a man and wants to try his hand at a new field.

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In fact, there is nothing surprising in this story. Like many star families, Beckhams are more a brand than a real loving couple. Together, they are held more by the need to meet standards and fear of negative public opinion.